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Negative Item Trading
Hey there,
So I just wanted to trade some mats (Lumps, Ink of Life) and this occured:
The items shown in there are the ones I used to buy an Ebony Bow before, but somehow they weren't removed from my inventory but seemed to remain as 0 x Defender Gaunlets etc.
I took them out of the trade, so I don't exactly know if they would have been transfered, though they disappeared after being removed from the trade.
If You want to take a look at it, the character ID was 2473445
I was on the other end of this trade so if it helps ID 2461957 ??

That is because after you added them to that trade, you traded them away from the character.  Since the first trade still had them listed, it took the current quantity of those items in your inventory (0) and subtracted one to show you the new quantity after the trade (-1).  Since you cannot trade what you don't have, the trade failed.
CC_Warden_Kip | CC_Sentinel_Kip | CC_Guard_Kip | CC_Zweihander_Kip | CC_Marksman_Kip | CC_Pavise_Kip | CC_Peltast_Kip | CC_Marauder_Kip | others...
Alright, thanks for the fast response Wink

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