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[Closed] Leader left House
I accidently left my house
Defender Level 23

my char is in the house again, but not leader.
House Name: TheGodOfWar
Char ID: 11125
Thanks in advance!

PS: More importantly, my original BBS account could not be logged in, and the password change also prompted me to make a password error. why?  Huh
[Keep updated]Appearance Mod for Upgraded Legendaries
Dragon's Treasure
Defense:China Lv40
Attack:China Attack Lv40
Support:China Support Lv40

wtf english plz
Byrllysg - 10.02.2020
Sun Glaive - 11.5.2021
Ornate Arming Helmet - 18.05.2024
Excalibur - 17.06.2024
Phoenix Shield - 22.06.2024
He accidently left his house
Defender Level 23

His char is in the house again, but not leader.
House Name: TheGodOfWar
Char ID: 11125
Thanks in advance!

PS: More importantly, my original BBS account could not be logged in, and the password change also prompted me to make a password error. why? Huh

Edit: Thats why i learned chinese, gl hf!
All my legendaries show my pure Gameskill. Savecall.
(19-04-2019, 01:07 PM)[FoY]MrMercy Wrote: he accidently left his house
defender level 23

his char is in the house again but not leader
house name TheGodOfWar
Char ID 11125
Thanks in advance!

PS: More importantly, my original BBS account could not be logged in, and the password change also prompted me to make a password error. why? Huh

Edit: thats why i learned chinese, gl hf!

ty very much
[Keep updated]Appearance Mod for Upgraded Legendaries
Dragon's Treasure
Defense:China Lv40
Attack:China Attack Lv40
Support:China Support Lv40

CC_Warden_Kip | CC_Sentinel_Kip | CC_Guard_Kip | CC_Zweihander_Kip | CC_Marksman_Kip | CC_Pavise_Kip | CC_Peltast_Kip | CC_Marauder_Kip | others...
(25-04-2019, 02:07 AM)Kip Wrote: Done.

ty very much kip,love u
[Keep updated]Appearance Mod for Upgraded Legendaries
Dragon's Treasure
Defense:China Lv40
Attack:China Attack Lv40
Support:China Support Lv40


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