A few people including myself are not too keen on this model. I'm not 100% sure why but I would guess It would have something to do with it looking so top heavy on the set? So I think I like the model I just don't like the "set".
This post is not even asking for a change by the way... I think It's more asking how many people think Heavy Bear Hood looks better on Leviathan's.
![[Image: 6E3C9A98AC7A709366559548C9030C6A789D4D4E]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1017191772736540078/6E3C9A98AC7A709366559548C9030C6A789D4D4E/)
Just, for example, I think It looks a lot better on the Ranger set given Gilded Bear Armour Is just a bigger armour. It would look even better If the texture was lighter even if half of the helm had a lighter texture bit like Winged Zwei helms.
![[Image: 96E797126A55CAB1AB3885B142EB9574AA9657D9]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1017191772736465520/96E797126A55CAB1AB3885B142EB9574AA9657D9/)
Even again I think It would just make for a better Pikeman helm as It's so close to Vagabond It would look really good on Efs.
This post is not even asking for a change by the way... I think It's more asking how many people think Heavy Bear Hood looks better on Leviathan's.
Just, for example, I think It looks a lot better on the Ranger set given Gilded Bear Armour Is just a bigger armour. It would look even better If the texture was lighter even if half of the helm had a lighter texture bit like Winged Zwei helms.
Even again I think It would just make for a better Pikeman helm as It's so close to Vagabond It would look really good on Efs.