Twigs of Yggdrasil
Leather Overmail
Thanos Legacy
Naval Glaive
Swadian Boots
Eagle Crossbow
Onyx Bolts
Rending Bolts
Bolt Tosser
Dragon Bolts
Dragon Axe
Hollowed Keeper
Strong Barricade
Strong Wall Barricade
Explosive Barrel
Twigs of Yggdrasil
Leather Overmail
Thanos Legacy
Naval Glaive
Swadian Boots
Eagle Crossbow
Onyx Bolts
Rending Bolts
Bolt Tosser
Dragon Bolts
Dragon Axe
Hollowed Keeper
Strong Barricade
Strong Wall Barricade
Explosive Barrel
Knight Helm - 8th of April, 2017.
Ragnar's Wrath - 18th of April, 2017.
Studded Gauntlets - 20th of April, 2017.
Malice - 7th of June, 2018.
Gothic Greaves - 26th of June, 2020.
Ragnar's Wrath - 18th of April, 2017.
Studded Gauntlets - 20th of April, 2017.
Malice - 7th of June, 2018.
Gothic Greaves - 26th of June, 2020.