Looking to buy some things, message me if you have those and we can do some trading
Heavy Sallet
Elmwood Bow (Offering 2m gold)
Dark Gothic Gauntlets
Dark Gothic Greaves
Noble Bastion/Blessed Noble Bastion
Leather Overmail for a friend <3
Blessed Aurora Blade (Offering Aurora + Gold)
Cursed Ebonwood Pike (Offering Ebonwood + Gold)
Maybe Blessed Byrllysg (Offering Byrllysg + Gold)
Maybe Cursed Dragon Sword (Offering Dragon Sword + Gold)
Blessed Penetrator (Offering Penetrator + Gold)
Can offer Gold or the items listed here --> https://forum.nordinvasion.com/showthread.php?tid=78340
Heavy Sallet
Elmwood Bow (Offering 2m gold)
Dark Gothic Gauntlets
Dark Gothic Greaves
Noble Bastion/Blessed Noble Bastion
Leather Overmail for a friend <3
Blessed Aurora Blade (Offering Aurora + Gold)
Cursed Ebonwood Pike (Offering Ebonwood + Gold)
Maybe Blessed Byrllysg (Offering Byrllysg + Gold)
Maybe Cursed Dragon Sword (Offering Dragon Sword + Gold)
Blessed Penetrator (Offering Penetrator + Gold)
Can offer Gold or the items listed here --> https://forum.nordinvasion.com/showthread.php?tid=78340