This is an armory dedicated to helping Landsknecht members and trusted individuals get to contribute towards and use high value equipment. The duration of the lending depends solely on when the item may be needed by another. "Tradebacks" are required. Please PM me or poke me on Steam if you think you are trusted enough to borrow something. Anyone that is not already included as a friend will have to pay some form of fee to borrow, whether it be basic materials to aid in leveling house crafting or another item, material, or gold. Doubtless there will be people that completely ignore what I just said, but that just means I get to make fun of them 
If you want to buy an item from this armory, message Xen or myself with what sort of item you want and I can tell you what I have for that particular class. Make sure you have some sort of replacement in the offer.
The below is for my own personal record keeping. If you want to know what is available, message me. Do not post on this thread, please.
Naval Glaive
Gold Lamellar Armor
Barbutte With Coif
Tower Shield
Open Salet Helmet
Bolt Tosser
Crossed Sharpshooter's Mail
Worm Bane
Onyx Bolts
Heavy Platform
Wall Barricade
Explosive Barrel
Swadian Halfplate
Swadian Boots
Short Heavy Barricade
Fearsome Knight Helmet
Aurora Blade

If you want to buy an item from this armory, message Xen or myself with what sort of item you want and I can tell you what I have for that particular class. Make sure you have some sort of replacement in the offer.
The below is for my own personal record keeping. If you want to know what is available, message me. Do not post on this thread, please.
[glow=red,2,300]Loaned Out Items[/glow]
Naval Glaive
Gold Lamellar Armor
Barbutte With Coif
Tower Shield
Open Salet Helmet
Bolt Tosser
Crossed Sharpshooter's Mail
Worm Bane
Onyx Bolts
Heavy Platform
Wall Barricade
Explosive Barrel
Swadian Halfplate
Swadian Boots
Short Heavy Barricade
Fearsome Knight Helmet
Aurora Blade