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WTT Dragon Axe for Heavy plated / Royal shield or offer
Looking to get either royal shield or heavy plated for this small, but powerful axe


Weight 2
Speed rating 102
Weapon length 70
Swing damage 52 cut

other officers considered too !
Only people who don't deserve legendaries loot them. - YuriTheRed

I looted 3 legendaries so this is most definitely true.
Only people who don't deserve legendaries loot them. - YuriTheRed

I looted 3 legendaries so this is most definitely true.
This is a 1 for 1 trade right
My legendary loots:
Gloves of Vidar
Leviathan's Helmet
Gothic Plate
Scorn x 2
Houses: CC->Aegis->LK->DB->Tricksters->LH
yeah of course, it would be double the price if i wanted both of the items Tongue
Only people who don't deserve legendaries loot them. - YuriTheRed

I looted 3 legendaries so this is most definitely true.
I may do this
Add me on steam its DylanAco
I have Heavy plated BTW
My legendary loots:
Gloves of Vidar
Leviathan's Helmet
Gothic Plate
Scorn x 2
Houses: CC->Aegis->LK->DB->Tricksters->LH
Actually found someone else for the heavy plated. Sold !
Only people who don't deserve legendaries loot them. - YuriTheRed

I looted 3 legendaries so this is most definitely true.

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