looking for crossbowmen gear (Arbalest 1st priority), Emblemed, Heavy kettle, Platemittens)
Mats (e.g Wood of Glasir, HM)
Let me know offers in PM or Post
Will only sell to a good offer as I am in no rush to sell them
Mats (e.g Wood of Glasir, HM)
Let me know offers in PM or Post
Will only sell to a good offer as I am in no rush to sell them
WS_Bradapple = Chosen Marksmen
WS_Bradapple_II = Royal Guard
WS_Brad =Warden
WS_Peaky_Blinder = Thomas Shelby
WS_Bradapple_II = Royal Guard
WS_Brad =Warden
WS_Peaky_Blinder = Thomas Shelby