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WTS :tome
give me offers iam prefer pikeman stuff and and barrel, cash
i think 8 mio or more
Loots:Hurricane, 2xThanos Legacy,Barbutte with Coif,Gothic Gauntlets,Dragon Sword,Durendal,Ornate Bascinet,Tiger Scale Armor,Mangler,Rending Bolts
Solo Runs:
- Hard -> All maps done
- Ragnarok -> Old Shire/Swadian Outskirts/First Defence died W15
MyShop   Steam
come give me offers
Oh shit yeah, didnt post it in here, sorry ye my offer is:

60 x small lumps of lead
15 x Water of Hvergelmir
1 x Large gold bar (25 x small lumps of lead)
10 x Wood of Glasir
Best solos:
Normal: Prince old, Prince new.
Hard: Wave 19 old, Ragnar new.
Ragnarok: Wave 12 old, wave 12 new.

Drops: 1 x Tower Shield - 2014

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