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What should I be getting next?
Hiya all... Recently I've been getting back into using my skirm but I feel like he needs some improvements.

Apprentice (engineer)

Marketplace helm and armor
(No gloves, boots or support gear as of now)

Gold: 100k (I gain money somewhat fast though)

What should I be working on next?
Great Long Axe from Marketplace (6k) if you want to melee, Mail Gauntlets from AH (2k) and Normal Barricade from AH (15k).
Clan Cameron / Warden / Siege Engineer
Honestly.. Save up a little bit more, get pikeman' plated vest over mail, marketplace polearm if you want melee, get the best possible hand armor possible (I use ornate hourglass gauntlets)... Then aspire towards Craftable Throwing Spears or a polearm depending on your playstyle.
[Image: Untitled-1.gif]
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024
"time is money jaja and loot" - Blame
Yea I would get pikemans played vest(100k) then buy a German poleaxe (30k) if you like melee or save up for cts(1.2mil) or swadian poleaxe(500-600k) or snake halberd/soear(700k)
Honestly, it depends on which hero class you're going for.

If you're going Marauder you might want to get a Sarissa instead of CTS.
You definitly have to get a support item first!
Normal Barricade: ~20k

If you like to get a melee weapon I think marketplace or German Poleaxe (~30k) should suffice

But you probably want to go with armor because you can pick up other peoples weapons...
Hourglass Gauntlets: +6 Armor, ~25k
Eastern Heavy Armor/Pikemans Plated Vest: +7 Armor, ~100k
Rus Helmet: + 9 Head Armor, ~110k (may get this later... most headshot will still be oneshots)

Get for lvl 50!
Short Heavy Barricade: ~300k

Then there are plenty of expensive stuff...
Hero: 750k
CTS: ~1.2M
Heavy Plated: ~1M
A lot of expensive polearms/pikes etc Tongue
WS_Jetine - Master Peltast
WS_Jetsuko - Royal Guard

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