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NI Best of
I want to make a NI Best of Video of funny / good / loot moments and bring everything in a short video.
There is the point.... I need your help guys... I have tons of videos from me but thats not enough. Send me your videos (if you have some).
Best is upload it on youtube and send me the link via pm or here in the thread (you can upload it unlisted so just ppl with link see it).

Hope I can get some help from you Wink !

[Image: ZV3CwKL.png] [Image: cHTj01v.png]
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Brigadine Plated Black -  20/01/16
Dragon Spear - 17/03/18
Soviet have a giant funny file about ni
Loots : 20

I have over 100GB of NI clips. But if it's for a video I'd rather do one myself Tongue.
[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
Loki Kills: 365
Thor Kills: 333
Odin Kills: 263
Prince Kills: 404
King Ragnar Kills: 258

House Crafting: Support 39, Defender 33, Attacker 30
  Alchemist: Lvl 36
Blacksmith: Lvl 21
Armorsmith: Lvl 32
I have a few videos but I think the best one would get a Dev in trouble.

Something something db event.

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