24-06-2015, 07:21 PM
Hey guys,
I've got this sword in my inventory and don't really use it.
I'm looking for some throwable for my legionnaire or some pikeman equippment or simply cash to obtain those.
Feel free to send me other offers as well though, I'll look into them.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.
[Info from Xen's house crafting post http://forum.nordinvasion.com/index.php?...511.0.html]
I've got this sword in my inventory and don't really use it.
I'm looking for some throwable for my legionnaire or some pikeman equippment or simply cash to obtain those.
Feel free to send me other offers as well though, I'll look into them.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.
[Info from Xen's house crafting post http://forum.nordinvasion.com/index.php?...511.0.html]