27-02-2016, 08:24 AM
(Will change title if looter wants me to)
This is my little write up on the whole passive productions enterprises idea. Will leave a link below and in a spoiler. (Be ready for a lot of text.)
Would also like to note that writing is not something that i am at all good at, so if you see any mistakes or something that just plan does not make sense please point it out!
This is my little write up on the whole passive productions enterprises idea. Will leave a link below and in a spoiler. (Be ready for a lot of text.)
Would also like to note that writing is not something that i am at all good at, so if you see any mistakes or something that just plan does not make sense please point it out!
Let's go ahead with the guidelines with my idea(s), it can go one of two ways.
This will be for bannerlord, and the next edition of nordinvasion the devs have already said they will be working on once the game comes out. This will obviously take them some time, at the very least a few months.
“The Nords have invaded Swadia and His Royal Highness has summoned all his forces to defend the nation and repel the invaders. Reports are coming in that huge armies are making their way through the pass at Jelbegi. Meanwhile, hundreds of refugees have been making the arduous trip to safety following attacks on local villages.
The King has called for all available units to assist.”
With the small bit of context we get about the nord invasion world this type of idea seems “realistic”.
Much of this is a “what if?” I have no clue if these things will be able to be done in bannerlord.
Hub Towns(servers)
These will be hub towns, one town per server. These towns will be quite large. There will be free land with the ability to buy it, and then there will be already made building and production buildings. This land can be used to make anything. (As long as there is enough land obviously.)
There will be tiered crafting buildings. Lumber mill, Blacksmith, Armorsmith, Leatherworker etc.
Same for raw production buildings, Lumber yard, Mine, Farm, Quarry etc.
These buildings will originally be owned by npc (Merchants). You can buy these buildings but need “kings favor” and gold, lots and lots of gold.(King's Favor will be added upon later) Also these building are where “marketplace equipment” will come from. Once they are player owned this functionality will not be gone. However it will be added upon. They will continue to keep “in stock” the default marketplace item, with no cost to the player, But the player can add their own ordered items to the store that will cost them money and turn them a profit.
Now there will be specialized buildings like a plate armorsmith. (Makes only plate armor, and armor plates.)
Houses or guilds will play a huge part of this system. Houses are able to buy these building together, the members will be paid a percentage of what they own of the shop.
Quick example: A building cost 2m. Someone payed 1m, 2 others pay 500k. One will take 50% of the earnings and the other 25% each. The main owner of the building will also be the one to fill orders on what items they stock. (Hopefully they can talk about it enough to make a good decision between each other.) With this the whole rank system in house would have a whole new meaning. as right now they do very little.
My hope is with a system like this it will keep houses personal. One of my pet peeves in games that have a houses/guild system is that they don’t feel personal. If someone has the same house tags as me i should know who they are. It will also give a much better reason for people to give to the house projects (Buying these buildings) as they will directly get something in return back.
Another thing to note is that this will replace the crafting system. By this i mean if you want some armor made you go to the armorsmith, not to a “hero” who someone has time to become a master god damn blacksmith. They will take a fee depending on how much “work” they have to put into it, it will also take time for things to craft, not 3 seconds for some amazing looking plate armor to be crafted.
With this system the auction house would still be functional, as they would still take a cut 5%-10% with a max cap. This would be something only NPC’s can own.
King’s Favor, will be gained by fighting in the war, and doing quests/missions. Missions/Quests would be done by small groups of players (Once again reinforcing the smallish house sizes.) That are given out by the king of a certain town.
Missions (These will rely heavily on instancing[not sure if that's the right word or not] or small servers.) Can be small things like raid a village, or rescue a hostage from a castle or even taking care of bandits that are ruining the hillside. These would be put into daily, weekly, and monthly categories. Something like a daily could be simple like finish a match of normal or hard. (These will depend on your level.) Weeklys could once again be something simple like Finish 5 normal and 5 hard runs. However monthly’s could be something like fight in a siege for a castle. (Has never made sense to me that we are ONLY being invaded.) These would be massive sieges for a castle that you would need houses to sign up for, There would be bots mixed in on our side. (This will need much more thought put into it then that obviously, but just a light idea.)
Legendary weapons and armor drops would not change at all in this system.
However other drops would, There would be “raw mats” things that you can’t do anything with other then craft into better materials that can then be used in armor and weapons etc.
Bots would still drop things like hardened metal, just not as much. Because with this system you would be able to craft up to everything. Not NEED to get it as a drop.
All web(page) based
This entire system could also be just web based. Which would be quite a lot easier on servers and development, but would also make it somewhat boring, and less intriguing. If i was a new player and went to a shop to see actual players owning it, it would be a really cool thing to work up to. but on a webpage it would be very dull and uninspiring.
I obviously have no clue if anything like this could be done for ni. I have no idea the amount of time a system like this would take to make.
I also have no idea what other people will think of this. so my one message to you is please post on if you like this idea or not. And if you're going to post something negative please give a reason why, and not “FUCK YOU YOUR IDEAS STUPID”, and if you like it give something you would like to change about it. Remember the game is run by the community, the devs do try to make us happy but it is very rarely noticed.
Also i don’t think all of this should be added, i don’t even need any of it to be added. i just think it would be a good addition to the mod.
I will be adding on more to this. like actual building tiers with rough costs and what their functions would be in the future.
This will be for bannerlord, and the next edition of nordinvasion the devs have already said they will be working on once the game comes out. This will obviously take them some time, at the very least a few months.
“The Nords have invaded Swadia and His Royal Highness has summoned all his forces to defend the nation and repel the invaders. Reports are coming in that huge armies are making their way through the pass at Jelbegi. Meanwhile, hundreds of refugees have been making the arduous trip to safety following attacks on local villages.
The King has called for all available units to assist.”
With the small bit of context we get about the nord invasion world this type of idea seems “realistic”.
Much of this is a “what if?” I have no clue if these things will be able to be done in bannerlord.
Hub Towns(servers)
These will be hub towns, one town per server. These towns will be quite large. There will be free land with the ability to buy it, and then there will be already made building and production buildings. This land can be used to make anything. (As long as there is enough land obviously.)
There will be tiered crafting buildings. Lumber mill, Blacksmith, Armorsmith, Leatherworker etc.
Same for raw production buildings, Lumber yard, Mine, Farm, Quarry etc.
These buildings will originally be owned by npc (Merchants). You can buy these buildings but need “kings favor” and gold, lots and lots of gold.(King's Favor will be added upon later) Also these building are where “marketplace equipment” will come from. Once they are player owned this functionality will not be gone. However it will be added upon. They will continue to keep “in stock” the default marketplace item, with no cost to the player, But the player can add their own ordered items to the store that will cost them money and turn them a profit.
Now there will be specialized buildings like a plate armorsmith. (Makes only plate armor, and armor plates.)
Houses or guilds will play a huge part of this system. Houses are able to buy these building together, the members will be paid a percentage of what they own of the shop.
Quick example: A building cost 2m. Someone payed 1m, 2 others pay 500k. One will take 50% of the earnings and the other 25% each. The main owner of the building will also be the one to fill orders on what items they stock. (Hopefully they can talk about it enough to make a good decision between each other.) With this the whole rank system in house would have a whole new meaning. as right now they do very little.
My hope is with a system like this it will keep houses personal. One of my pet peeves in games that have a houses/guild system is that they don’t feel personal. If someone has the same house tags as me i should know who they are. It will also give a much better reason for people to give to the house projects (Buying these buildings) as they will directly get something in return back.
Another thing to note is that this will replace the crafting system. By this i mean if you want some armor made you go to the armorsmith, not to a “hero” who someone has time to become a master god damn blacksmith. They will take a fee depending on how much “work” they have to put into it, it will also take time for things to craft, not 3 seconds for some amazing looking plate armor to be crafted.
With this system the auction house would still be functional, as they would still take a cut 5%-10% with a max cap. This would be something only NPC’s can own.
King’s Favor, will be gained by fighting in the war, and doing quests/missions. Missions/Quests would be done by small groups of players (Once again reinforcing the smallish house sizes.) That are given out by the king of a certain town.
Missions (These will rely heavily on instancing[not sure if that's the right word or not] or small servers.) Can be small things like raid a village, or rescue a hostage from a castle or even taking care of bandits that are ruining the hillside. These would be put into daily, weekly, and monthly categories. Something like a daily could be simple like finish a match of normal or hard. (These will depend on your level.) Weeklys could once again be something simple like Finish 5 normal and 5 hard runs. However monthly’s could be something like fight in a siege for a castle. (Has never made sense to me that we are ONLY being invaded.) These would be massive sieges for a castle that you would need houses to sign up for, There would be bots mixed in on our side. (This will need much more thought put into it then that obviously, but just a light idea.)
Legendary weapons and armor drops would not change at all in this system.
However other drops would, There would be “raw mats” things that you can’t do anything with other then craft into better materials that can then be used in armor and weapons etc.
Bots would still drop things like hardened metal, just not as much. Because with this system you would be able to craft up to everything. Not NEED to get it as a drop.
All web(page) based
This entire system could also be just web based. Which would be quite a lot easier on servers and development, but would also make it somewhat boring, and less intriguing. If i was a new player and went to a shop to see actual players owning it, it would be a really cool thing to work up to. but on a webpage it would be very dull and uninspiring.
I obviously have no clue if anything like this could be done for ni. I have no idea the amount of time a system like this would take to make.
I also have no idea what other people will think of this. so my one message to you is please post on if you like this idea or not. And if you're going to post something negative please give a reason why, and not “FUCK YOU YOUR IDEAS STUPID”, and if you like it give something you would like to change about it. Remember the game is run by the community, the devs do try to make us happy but it is very rarely noticed.
Also i don’t think all of this should be added, i don’t even need any of it to be added. i just think it would be a good addition to the mod.
I will be adding on more to this. like actual building tiers with rough costs and what their functions would be in the future.
My Steam
Loot: M/D/Y
Twig of Yggdrasil - 8/10/2012
Sun Pike - 9/9/2014
Dragon Helm - 1/10/2015
Jormungandr - 2/26/2016
Loot: M/D/Y
Twig of Yggdrasil - 8/10/2012
Sun Pike - 9/9/2014
Dragon Helm - 1/10/2015
Jormungandr - 2/26/2016