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Support Item (SHC)

i recently made a new charakter and start levling it up. One thing wich i realised was, that ur basicly useless until lvl 50 but why ? well all Support Items witch are needed for Hard/Rag and even Normal if u want to get past w 12 are locked on the highest support tiers. 

The best way to start the support tiers is probabbly tinkerer line so basicly cades.... most would buy a normal cade witch is totaly in cost range and totaly fine for normal but on hard/rag not helpfull since they get destroyed in 2-3 hits.

My suggestion now is to change the tier requirement for shc... not walls/barrels etc... only shc since thats something u need to be able to bring so u have usefull support. Just set it to lvl 39 so people who got the requirements to join rag are able to bring support in witch actully helps the team. And yeah i know normaly u dont have the 400k to buy a shc but after a few succesfull hard runs and some mat loots u get this pritty fast. And there are even beginners who could borrow shc from House Members or even buy them for cheaper from players who are happy that theres atleast another one bringing in support and supports thouse players (Shadowknight :Tongue ).

afterall..what i tell everyone who asks what to buy next as a t3/t4 is cades.. since u dont need to have the best weapons with highest dmg to succesfull complete a run u need shc to keep u safe and alife...

would like to here the opinion about this from others Smile

jaja my english sucks blame Dafne Smile
Heavy Barricade: Engineer > Apprentice
Heavy Platform: Engineer > Siege Engineer
Short Heavy Cade : Siege Engineer > Engineer
Sounds reasonable to me.
I have not even read what you have said but shc useable by lvl 39 or what ever is not a new idea.

Atho i do think shc being less than big ammo and hevy plat is weird.
other support items could be adjusted aswell then sure...
My point is devs have a reason why it was not changed as this topic gets brought up every 1/2 a year+ or so.

I would rather get a new cade that like a shc in size but 1.5-2x the hit points that Siege Engineer then once that in then make SHC Engineer

And even if that happens the use for Heavy Barricade will even less than the 0 it at now unless it gets a buff
why making a new cade ? its fine like it is.... Wall for siege engineer and shc for engineer.... would be perfekt...

the thing with the heavy barricade has nothing to do with this discussion... since its useless overall ^^ u cant use it for cading ... its basicly a dep shield upgrade... and cause u cant throw/shoot over it, u can just use a Wall for that ^^ does the same... (+dep shields where u can bring 3 of them are more usefull anyway)
What your asking is a like if i wanted a low tr4 armour/weapon being a high tr3 armour/wepon in a sense.

If you really wanted this i would think a nerf to all SHC's would be put on to make them about the same stats as Heavy Barricade. (It same crafting btw)

As most people will say no this idea is not needed. 

Only thing that could change is Big ammo as normal amo all can bring and a buff of speed and being able to bring 3 more is not worth the jump from Everyone to Engineer.
Even then you get 1 more ammo box for each lvl it's not too bad.
(06-09-2016, 04:28 AM)Woody Wrote: (...) I would rather get a new cade that like a shc in size but 1.5-2x the hit points (...)
It seems we have a reasonable balance whent it comes to cades, I think introducing a buffed SHC would be bad, things would get too easy...
There is the Wall cade that is much stronger than SHC but it obstructs the field of fire and that's good.
(06-09-2016, 05:35 AM)Woody Wrote: What your asking is a like if i wanted a low tr4 armour/weapon being a high tr3 armour/wepon in a sense.

If you really wanted this i would think a nerf to all SHC's would be put on to make them about the same stats as Heavy Barricade. (It same crafting btw)

As most people will say no this idea is not needed. 

Only thing that could change is Big ammo as normal amo all can bring and a buff of speed and being able to bring 3 more is not worth the jump from Everyone to Engineer.
Even then you get 1 more ammo box for each lvl it's not too bad.

shc should no even be as u say a "t4" items since Wall is alreaddy taking that place.. sry that makes no sence ^^

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