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Report Player: RaigaSK2

she/he said so things all the time...she said thigs which are whorese things wich i dont scrennshoted ...only warn him pls
FF_Skywalker- Marauder
FF_Skywallker- Warden
FF_Skywalllker- Zweihänder
sry wait
FF_Skywalker- Marauder
FF_Skywallker- Warden
FF_Skywalllker- Zweihänder
i had a littel bug
FF_Skywalker- Marauder
FF_Skywallker- Warden
FF_Skywalllker- Zweihänder
Skywalker just threatened to report me for calling a shield maiden bitch!!! Imo this is getting silly!
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Give a man a fish, and you have fed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will continue fishing even if you give him a fish.
- Fingus

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