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Some Questions
Out of curiosity, I have some questions I want people to answer. It will help with some requests I've been thinking about but overall will just be interesting.

I feel like developers may not know how a majority feel on a topic so this would be a real way to see it. 

I'm going to answer them as well at some point but I want to give it a bit more time before I make up my mind on a few questions. 

Q1.) When was the last time you played Ni?

A1.) [Date or guess even] 

Q2.) How much do you currently like the game in full? 

A2.) [Rate out of 10. 0 being you hate it and 10 love it.]

Q3.) How much do you currently like the market at the moment? The market being trading but ill also put market place stuff and crafting into this. 

A3.) [Rate out of 10. 0 being you hate it and 10 you love it.]

Q4.) How hard should Normal be If you are tr0 and is using market place gear? 

A4.) [Rate out of 10. 0 being how it is at the moment and 10 being just as much of a challenge as it would be for a hero using market place gear.]

Q5.) How hard should Rag be If you are any hero using the best gear possible

A5.) [Rate out of 10. We will call 5 what it is now.]

Q6.) How rewarding looting gold/mats wise should Rag be

A6.) [Rate out of 10. We will call 5 what it is now. ]

Q7.) How rewarding looting item wise should Rag be

A7.) [Rate out of 10. We will call 5 what it is now. ]

Q8.) How hard should Cav be If you are any hero using the best gear possible

A8.) [Rate out of 10. We will call 5 what it is now. ]

Q9.) Do you currently like all heroes stats?

A9.) [Rate out of 10. 0 being you hate it and 10 you love it.]

Q10.) Do you currently like the how healing and cades are done in Ni.  

A10.) [Rate out of 10. 0 being you hate it and 10 you love it.]

Q11.) Why do you want to play Ni most of the time?

A11.) [This is up to you]

Q12.) What do you think is the biggest thing Ni is missing?

A12.) [This is up to you]

Q13.) What do you think is the best thing about Ni?

A13.) [This is up to you]

Q14.) What should be peoples goals in Ni? I'll list a few examples... Quests, Getting all heroes, soloing each mode, getting better gear, looting, ...

A14.) [This is up to you]

Q15.) What goals should be rewarded?

A15.) [This is up to you]
Hello NI community, my position it:

1)  2020.02.01 (heh);

2)  8 points;

3)  5 points;

4)  6 points;

5)  Not hard but sometimes have a problems;

6)  5 points;

7)  5 points - I think do not need to change the chance of looting items, because if everyone will looting, then soon all Rag items will cost how Normals;

8)  1 points? - Not so hard;

9)  10 points - Hoplite best class;

10)  10 points - I think its best cades/healing system then was before;

11)  Just i love M&B and invasion modes Smile;

12)  Diversity in game modes and some better marketplace prices;

13)  Teamplay, fun, lOoTs Big Grin;

14)  Ofc complete Rise from the Ashes, get all heroes with best upgraded gear and i think playing for fun, loot will come in itself;

15)  All that is heavy given Smile.

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1) 2020.02.01
2) 6
3) 7
4) 8
5) 20/10
6) 5
7) 5
8) 5
9) 0
10) 5
11) I love the atmosphere of impending threat, when you urgently need to establish at least some fortifications and keep the defense. I played the Russian illegal version of NI for a long time, and it felt brighter there than here. Here, most players are hung with legendary items and each race is given more easily than with difficulty. And then there were very few players and because of this dacha the lowest craft was very valuable and very highly valued. For the sake of victory, you did everything in your power-set up fortifications so that the Nords could not break them, hid where they could not get you and most often you died from Loki, tricksters, Wraith's, or from a random arrow, or just from the fact that you ran out of shells. You just couldn't resist the Nords with shields, just because they weren't there. Having a shielder was a very big luxury, since crafting its items was more expensive than anyone else. Even if we had a shielder then, we simply could not defeat all the Nords in the open, since only 5-8 people could be recruited on the server, and only 1-2 of them had some legendary items. We survived as best we could, using plans so clever that we discussed tactics for a very long time before we started. And you can't even imagine how much pleasure each player experienced from simply participating in this. Whether we won or lost, it was important to participate in this competition with deadly enemies. This brought a wild buzz and satisfaction. Few Russian players still remember this. This is what I come to Ni for. But now the servers are still quite easy, rare legendary items are sold at auction for 3M (or 750K) and this epic adventure turned into a boring routine.
But I still come in the hope that the good times will return one day. Eee!
12) I think I accidentally answered this question at 11
13) Economy, people's relationships, auctions, exchange of items
14, 15) Because of the weak level of English I did not understand the question, sorry
Fiendish bow 17
Excalibur 18
Defender Armour 18
Eastern Full Scale 18
Glory 19
Dead Shot 19
Leather Overmail 19
Gloves of Vidar 20
Twigs of Iggdrasil 20
Bannerlord is a drunkard's bottle fight
1) 01/02/2020
2) 8
3) 6 (just the ingame market here, I hate the other side & the time where mats had save prices were good)
4) 3
5) 7
6) 6
7) 5 (but maybe readjust where stuff drops (especially the orange stuff of Tyr)
8) 5
9) 8 (some should be rebalanced which are currently just underrated)
10) 8 (Medics should atleast see the cade pool & before, ppl leveling could help (especially on Rag) by healing)
11) Guess M&B just cought us all and I prefer PvE over PvP, also the progress is saved here compared to other Invasion modes I know.
12) The marketplace prices back from before to give some stability in the market.
13) Teamplay, hanging with friends on TS/Discord & ofc loot.
14) Guess thats up to everyone themselves, I personally want to finish RftA of my Pavise and fully upgrade my two sets.
15) I'd like to see more quests, be they as weird as Winter can think of. Also accountwide quests would be a nice addition.
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

‌‌ ‌‌Julia's little Armory | Steam
A1.) Today
A2.) 6.5
A3.) 4
A4.) 5
A5.) 7.5
A6.) 6
A7.) 6
A8.) 6
A9.) 5
A10.) 7.5

A11.)  It's been nostalgia just about for the past few years or to try a new thing when I get it. I do like trading and crafting but I'm at the stage where you shouldn't really trade much as it becomes unproductive. 

A12.) Being able to swap to a different class easily on a server without needed to leave. 

A13.) The community or knowing you can play for 1000s of hours to be one of the richest yet you still don't have everything. 

A14.) I think quests are a very easy goal to have but I think getting better gear is on everyone's mind. I think goals should always feel achievable but you should always have some that seem impossible like Rise From the Ashes or getting all 16 heroes.

A15.) Well, what are the quests atm but wanted posters when you already get rewarded by being at the kill or doing the kill. "Quests" can be expanded on to other goals most people can do or already do. For some goals having the old forum achievement badges back would be nice Xen.
Getting all heroes would be almost impossible or unbearable for some. You can make parallels between Rise From the Ashes saying that so getting the 16 heroes can be a quest for the people that don't like the idea of playing 1 hero till you hate the class. Playing one 1 hero a lot or making all heroes are complete opposites but both take dedication and time. 

I think it could be recognized as a real goal just like Rise From the Ashes and other quests. If the reward was mats or gold it would feel like the more heroes you make the cheaper they become so I don't like that idea. I like the idea of collectable/items more in this case. I would make to start 4 "mini" collectables. 1 would be for getting the 4 Inf heroes for example as that seems more achievable for a lot of people. So a bit like how smaller quests are to Ashes. 
I think the "mini" rewards could be a helm or whatever that’s maybe on par with house crafting version and locked to the same heroes. For all heroes… I like the idea you need to trade in the 4 collectables for a better collectable. This also makes sure they didn’t sell any of them if they want the big reward. I do know what I want for all 16 heroes but it feels wrong for me to suggest anything but ill say this. This could be upgradeable as nothing is stopping it being different in that way.
For how you give out the rewards to people I have 2 ideas on the matter.

A) Think it would be easy to make almost a house thread people apply for the rewards? Devs could set up an account with unlimited rewards and give the password to trusted players such as admins to give out the rewards. Trusted players would give out rewards but the Devs can look at trade logs seeing if they are behaving. I'm sure If you put the punishment high nothing bad would happen If you pick the right people.

B) Each time you make a hero you get some sort of specific token to that hero you can trade. You use the Leg + Zwei + Rg + Jugg tokens to craft that collectable. Doing this you could make it you need the 4 collectables to craft the 16 heroes one or you need to save all 16 tokens to craft it. 

I've talked about giving rewards for all heroes but I can see you do rewards for other things. I'm just not sure how you would even do stuff like soloing for example.   
Q1.) When was the last time you played Ni?

A1.) Very recently.

Q2.) How much do you currently like the game in full? 

A2.) [7]

Q3.) How much do you currently like the market at the moment? The market being trading but ill also put market place stuff and crafting into this. 

A3.) [7.5]

Q4.) How hard should Normal be If you are tr0 and is using market place gear? 

A4.) [0] It is the only mode you can complete on your own with average skills and gear and that is important.

Q5.) How hard should Rag be If you are any hero using the best gear possible

A5.) [6]

Q6. and 7.) How rewarding looting gold/mats wise should Rag be

A6.) [8] The loot system should completely shift away from this RNG shit and finally become a point system where loots
              are earned instead of just granted. Suggested many times, still not in sight.

Q8.) How hard should Cav be If you are any hero using the best gear possible

A8.) [5] With the exception of Gunnars absurd axethrowers.

Q9.) Do you currently like all heroes stats?

A9.) [7]

Q10.) Do you currently like the how healing and cades are done in Ni.  

A10.) [6.5]

Q11.) Why do you want to play Ni most of the time?

A11.) It's a challenging mod with a fixed time frame. Mat loots are ok, as is the market, which, in disagreement
           to previous comments has vastly improved as crafting now is available to newer players. I enjoy the team-
           play as much as I do the kiting and I like the fact to have a choice to do one or the other.

Q12.) What do you think is the biggest thing Ni is missing?

A12.) A different focus on legendaries and a point-based system to earn them, to end this rediculous injustice
          between those who hold them and those who don't. This brings so much unnecessary frustration and
          prevents concentrating on other content, which the game surely provides.

Q13.) What do you think is the best thing about Ni?

A13.) The fact that the mod still exists and brings people together even though the game it is based on is very old.
            It is the simple and effective concept and the challenge it still comes with.

Q14.) What should be peoples goals in Ni? I'll list a few examples... Quests, Getting all heroes, soloing each mode, getting better gear, looting, ...

A14.) teamplay, soloing, quests, getting better gear and definitely not looting legendaries based on luck but earning them.

Q15.) What goals should be rewarded?

A15.) All should be rewarded in a way that makes sense. Some quest rewards we still have dont. Quests should definitely get some love.
"Dedicated Nord Farmer"

Legendary Loots:
28.04.18 Royal Helmet
04.11.18 Leather Overmail
26.12.18 Severance
04.03.19 Aurora Blade
07.03.19 Illustrious
08.04.19 Sun Glaive
05.10.19 Severance

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