List of armor below that I'm looking to sell for gold, or trade.
Bear Armour
Bear Boots
Bear Gauntlets
Bear Hood
Plate Mittens
Swadian Kite Shield
Visored Sallet
Elegant Estoc
Savior Greaves
Steel Spangenhelm
Defender Armour
Defender Gauntlets
Valsgarde Helmet
Battle Hardened Vigilance
Items I'm looking for:
Heavy sallet
Brigadine plated
Gold lamellar or TSA
Dellingrs hands
Lionhide boots
Ornate Bascinet or Barbutte with coif
Please PM me offers
Bear Armour
Bear Boots
Bear Gauntlets
Bear Hood
Plate Mittens
Swadian Kite Shield
Visored Sallet
Elegant Estoc
Savior Greaves
Steel Spangenhelm
Defender Armour
Defender Gauntlets
Valsgarde Helmet
Battle Hardened Vigilance
Items I'm looking for:
Heavy sallet
Brigadine plated
Gold lamellar or TSA
Dellingrs hands
Lionhide boots
Ornate Bascinet or Barbutte with coif
Please PM me offers