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Challenge/Hardcore mode
hey, I think this mode has been asked for quite a long time now, but I dont think anyone has ever made a proper Thread about it. We've recently talked about it, but turned out the Devs with access to the server files are no longer there. Now that I saw some Devs writing in the Forum recently, Ill give it a try.

Whats the Challenge mode about? Well I think all of us that have been playing the game for a longer time can agree with me, that Ragnarok is a bit too easy to win, if you have the right Support Items and people knowing what to do. So why not adding a Mode that sets the difficutly significantly higher than Ragnarok, but gives you higher chances of getting Drops due there being more bosses.

My Idea is adding all Boss waves from Normal, Hard and Ragnarok to the Challenge/Hardcore mode. Heres what the waves would look like:

Wave 1 = Normal Wave 3
Wave 2 = Normal Wave 6
Wave 3 = Normal 9
Wave 4 = Normal 12 
Wave 5 = Normal 15
Wave 6 = Hard 3
Wave 7 = Hard 6
Wave 8 = Hard 9
Wave 9 = Hard 12
Wave 10 = Hard 15
Wave 11 = Rag 3
Wave 12 = Rag 6
Wave 13 = Rag 9
Wave 14 = Rag 12
Wave 15 = Rag 15

And the final Wave 16, all Bosses from all the modes together. 

This Mode should only be accessible if you have Hero class unlocked.

Would be great to see that in game!
My Steam: Link
My Shop: Link
My Loots: 58 (48 unique items, 8 doubles, 2 Essence)
agreed, rag solo is way too easy
Would be a shame to put a single Durendal as a loot history...
(ignoring the Ebonwood Pike)
(ignoring the Gloves of Vidar)
(ignoring the Rupturers)
(ignoring the Sun Glaive)
(ignoring the Thunder Pike)
(ignoring the Rending Bolts)

Completed Solo Runs: Beginner, Normal, Hard, Cavalry, Ragnarok All Of Them

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