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WTB Onyx Bolts/Bolt Tosser
For Onyx:

Swadian boots (600k) + Swadian Gauntles (1mil) + Royal Shield (2.6mil) + Transitional Armor Orange (3.25mil)


Dreaded War Pick (6mil) + Swadian Gauntles (1mil) + Swadian Boots (600k) + Heavy Cade (400k)

For Bolt Tosser:

Fearsome Knight Helmet (6.5mil) + Royal Shield (2.6mil) + Swadian Gauntles (1mil)


Dreaded War Pick (6mil) + Highlander Claymore (500k) + Royal Shield (2.6 mil) + Swadian Gauntles (1mil)

Could Also Consider:

Tome + 500k for Bolt Tosser (for some it may seem like not too much but considering the curent prices of lums and water it's around 8.5mil + Tome is buffed significantly)

If you interested in this offer PM or write in the thread.

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