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Rise from the Ashes
What % are you...(Can find out from kaasovics script if you checkmark it)
What hero is that on...
What nord/s do you have the least amount...

For me my highest character is at 17% ;P (I play alot of heroes)
My lowest number is Hungry Zhugs... because i don't early waves of normal.

I'm interested in the communties progress as this quest has been out for 3 months.
08/15/16 - White Dragon Helmet
08/25/16 - Dragon Axe
10/2/16 - Ornate Crusader Helmet
11/6/16 - Gothic Salet
12/1/16 - Wulfsbane
1/8/17 - Ornate Bascinet
11/19/17 - Legacy
45% with my Pikeman. Not playing that active anymore to farm a lot.

My lowest number is the 3 different types of followers on rag wave 5.
[Image: wQXN2eq.png]
Chosen Marksman
Hungry Zhug, but at least done with the Einherja Ranger and nearly done with the Nord Sniper
Thunder Pike  ~ 11.08.2016
Onyx Bolts      ~ 03.09.2016
Phoenix Shield ~ 09.07.2019
Excalibur         ~ 15.07.2019
Steam: Horror    
Follower of Vanagandr lowest
Zweihander (Haven't played much on this character for over a month or more maybe longer? Been playing warden as of late for other quests.)
Lowest numbers on early wave normal and siege masters as well as dvergar. Some other late wave ragnorak ranged units as well.
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Pavise - RG - Halbradier

Steam  Legendaries

Feel free to add on steam for trades.
23% on Warden, I heal too often.. bad for kills, same with my RG but cuz of shielding, shielding makes your progress about nothing Tongue
yeah my warden slowed down, after I killed the 500 rangers... and most of the ranged waves

I always forget to stop shooting rangers on waves ;D need all the melee kills but my muscle memory on archers is to go for ranged
08/15/16 - White Dragon Helmet
08/25/16 - Dragon Axe
10/2/16 - Ornate Crusader Helmet
11/6/16 - Gothic Salet
12/1/16 - Wulfsbane
1/8/17 - Ornate Bascinet
11/19/17 - Legacy
I stopped at 19% i think (My Chosen Marksman) because we sold our CM Set xD
[Image: ZV3CwKL.png] [Image: cHTj01v.png]
‌‌ Shop ‌‌ Steam
Just hit 125% (on all my heroes) 
49% on Mara
Siege Master (44 / 500) next being Dvergar Ballistaman (58 / 500), Bear Clan Hunter (64 / 500),...

Also have 11x 500/500 done on my mara (1 normal, 7 hard, 3 rag)
ah, nice. I feel like once you get to like 80% you are only half way(in terms of # of runs required) through b/c of those nords that bottleneck you
08/15/16 - White Dragon Helmet
08/25/16 - Dragon Axe
10/2/16 - Ornate Crusader Helmet
11/6/16 - Gothic Salet
12/1/16 - Wulfsbane
1/8/17 - Ornate Bascinet
11/19/17 - Legacy

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