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WTS 1 x Damascus Steel
All 5 Damascus Steel were sold.

Best Mats offer was 15 WOG x 1 Damascus Steel
Best Gold offer was 240k for 1 Damascus Steel

Please note that all 5 Damascus were NOT looted from Ragnarok, but a reward from a previous contest. Damascus are very , very rare loots.
1 x Large Gold Bar for all.(25 Lumps)
Loots: 0 
Although it is a great offer Alex, I would have no use of a large gold bar and then I would be stuck with it trying to resell it for cheaper just to get some gold. No one in my house seems to need a large gold bar either.

Damascus Steel is the rarest drop at the moment
So no one wants to craft the best weapons from Attackers house crafting ?  :-\

But 390k for 3 damascus if you want.
How high you value them each? I mean ... you can't paste a price on it, but can you put a price on it like 5 scales for 1 or something?
[move][align=center] S[color=blue]o[color=green]p[color=purple]h[color=brown]i[color=teal]e[/move]
[align=center][Image: whnwaa.jpg]
Already sold 3 , 2 left for sale
i have no cash atm but i offer 10 wog for 1 damascus steel, i hope we can find a deal with this offer.
You fight, you win.

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