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WTS Emblemed Crossbowmans Mail
Im interested in mats (coal, steel, black steel, all high mats) and Cash
LosT_Daenerys -Master Peltast
LosT_Khaleesi  -Royal Guard

Loots: /
60k+ 9 coal +4 shade ore ?
nice offer, but a little bit low, maybe you can add 20k (in mats)..? Smile
LosT_Daenerys -Master Peltast
LosT_Khaleesi  -Royal Guard

Loots: /
I can possibly add a Bear fur if you want or add 2 more coal and a Weave steel
then I take the Bear fur...give me your Id pls, I can invite you.
LosT_Daenerys -Master Peltast
LosT_Khaleesi  -Royal Guard

Loots: /
I prefer invite you Smile
LosT_Daenerys -Master Peltast
LosT_Khaleesi  -Royal Guard

Loots: /
im in Smile
LosT_Daenerys -Master Peltast
LosT_Khaleesi  -Royal Guard

Loots: /
Invite sent

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