Just to compare some numbers; 26 odins have died since the 29th of may (drop rate has roughly stayed the same since as have his drops
22 after the 0.5.1 hotfix (28th july); that is in (~)18 days, 1.2 (recurring) killed a day (5 on the 31st alone). And no, there hasn't been an odin drop in that time (though the drop rate is MUCH greater than even Ragnar's).
So you can see how few odins have actually died, and how much a minor hotfix can change the balance. We are monitoring the situation closely (as I hope this shows), and we will continue to do so.
The problem with the harder modes, mainly ragnarok, but this does happen in hard too. Is the general public as a whole, won't get much further than halfway. (wave wise)
So on a general week day, an Odin kill isn't all too common (though it isn't rare either). But as soon as you throw a large house into the mix or an event, 5 Odin kills in one day. The potential to so drastically change the kill rate, makes balancing the drop rate so tricky. If we were to buff the rate to match the average (1.2/day), as soon as that was discovered, there would be a surge in Ragnarok activity. Meaning suddenly large house groups and Ragnarok events are more common -> Kill rate shoots up.
We will continue to look into what the bosses drop and their drop rates compared to their kill rates. Rest assured, we want legendaries to be rare, not unattainable
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.
2nd Knight forever!
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