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Enemy Wave feedback
I think there should be a proper thread to review about the difficulty curve of each wave as stated here. While in V0.26 Jez did a fine job in incorporating mind-grueling hordes to encourage teamwork, some waves can be either too hard or easy for some players. If any of the waves should need any tweaking, you can post it here to comment of the various waves.

I'll start with a few of my own.

Wave 4 : A little too easy in a pinch, there should be two Nord saregeants instead of one to balance it out.

Wave 7 : Huntsmen are wearing MAIL armour..... For realism purposes they should wear leather jerkins, rather than withstand 6-8 shots they should go down just as fast as a Nord serf. And they are too many in numbers, cutting down a few would do at this particular wave.

Wave 10 : Too many calvary per player ratio I would think, maybe reduce it slightly?

Wave 11 : Definitely overkill, these Shock troopers should at least be on foot, and armed with short-ranged maces to compensate for their heavy armour as an early wave heavy unit.

And also another note, could we have berserkers armed with only a one-handed axe and no armour having 10 athletics skill? It would be interesting to have naked fast runners to easily surprise unsuspecting players. Also, slowing down the more heavy troopers to semi-running speed would allow some of the players alittle breathing space, I guess.
[Image: 2n6u4ux.png]
For the Honour of the Fallen Swadians.
Yea, when like at 12-16 players there is just too much cav.

And those shocktroopers usually rape me if we make it barely past the cav wave, suddenly they pop up Sad
The heavy infantry are a bear. I died (big shocker there) and watched another guy try to solo 1 of them. It took 6-8 hits or something to have it die. Juuuuust a bit too tough.

And I'm still getting 1 shot and 2 shot really easily- and I'm heavy infantry with the best armor from the marketplace. I still fail to see why this is happening.
I guess its to make sure people dont finish the mod already. Right now there are a lot of low low/mid leveled people that quite frankly are useless after wave 4-5. The mod inspires co-op and tactics to a certain degree,and as it stands,people are too low level to actually kill shockers ect. Although the shockers are incredibly badass xD

As it stands,I think the waves are pretty balanced really. Some of them are incredibly tough,but then just run away and get some backup. If you could solo kill every challenge, the mod would become very boring,very fast. If anything,the maps need some variation, there are very few areas that can handle all that cavelry.
Just my opinions,I could naturally be talking out of my ass here.
I agree, but there might be the need for some small tweaks.

The waves add harder opponents and more variety all the way. Perhaps we should do like this:

Peasant wave>light infantry boss wave>peasant+light infa wave>light archer boss wave>light archer&infa+peasants wave>light cav wave (scouts etc)>light cav&infa&archers+peasants>medium infa boss wave>....

Or have it the same as now, but with enemy archers and cavalry introduced a bit earlier on, but ina  weaker form.

No huntsmen in mail, HS'ing and shooting your feet while blocking 500m further, no first cav wave of shocktroopers, steamrolling everything.
Add those heavily armoured archers and cav later, but give us some weaker form of them to get warmed up.

scouts and huntsmen in fur/leather/cloth armour>Nord cavalry (same as now, but some in the waves) and archers (leather armoured with stronger bows)>shocktroopers and longbowmen (in mail with longbows and shit)>knights and rangers and longbowmen (rangers: cloth armoured omgwtfbbq snipers, Only very few rangers, to balance them out. They shoot from the crowd unnoticed, but aren't that much of an opponent when in close combat)

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