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Barricade Destruction Bug
It has been observed that on occasion, when bots destroy barricades (not heavy barricades) they sometimes teleport with the barricade under the ground, rendering the wave unfinishable. This has happened on at least two occasions. Of course, as players our response has been to stop using barricades to do what they were intended to be used for, but hopefully you guys can fix them so that they can serve as more than just stepping stools for archers.

On a related note, barricades are extremely flimsy even on normal. It may have to do with the fact that the model size is larger, thus affording greater surface area to be attacked. As a result, barricades are less viable for barricading than deployable shields are.
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
We found this bug a few times in testing and the problem is sometimes, very rarely, if someone, either a bot or a player, stands on top of it when it gets destroyed they can teleport with it underground as nothing is really destroyed in warband just simply moved underground.

Only real way to fix this would be to make the barricade a bit bigger so you can't get on top of them. Will see what I can do about it.

As for the hitpoints they have about 60% more then deployable shields. But as you say it might be a issue with the surface that the bots can hit. I'll have a look at it, but haven't had much time to play lately and I prefer to generally experience these things myself before I balance to much.
i think that is not a big problem only one jump and you are back on the map where you stand Smile
The biggest problem is bots don't know how to jump, so if they get stuck the map gets stuck.

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