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WTS:Bear Armour
Looking for about 250k gold.
I can offer 4 wood of glasir ,60k , and a bronze arrowhead
Legendary Loots:
Valsgarde Helmet 27/09/15
[Image: 2qktt3c.png]
Add 50k, or 2 more wog or 15HM.
i can add 20k and 10hm
Legendary Loots:
Valsgarde Helmet 27/09/15
[Image: 2qktt3c.png]
Allright, ID?
have you steam?
Legendary Loots:
Valsgarde Helmet 27/09/15
[Image: 2qktt3c.png]
id 15325
Legendary Loots:
Valsgarde Helmet 27/09/15
[Image: 2qktt3c.png]
Invite sent and my steam is same as my fourm name
Legendary Loots:
Valsgarde Helmet 27/09/15
[Image: 2qktt3c.png]

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