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Warband failing at startup operation.
My Warband decided to die on me so what is happening is I can not even stay on the LAUNCHER for more than 5 seconds without the whole game crashing. rgl_config is not the problem here. My countless google searches were in vain as I can NOT find a person with the same problem as me... I do have to say that anyone with a solution for this problem will be heard out and I will try it as I am at my wits end trying to get the game to start again. I hate Windows 8 and will always do until Microsoft decides to make it a more NON-Touchscreen layout as it is pointless to have a layout which doesn't work for non-touchscreen computers. Anyone up to help me?
Try this : , start with networking driver and try to startup warband here, if it crashes aswell let me know , ifi t does not try reinstall your graphics driver, test compatibility checks for windows 7 , check your ram with ramtest, install warband under a different location(non steam -- which should be preffered anyways)

Also a bit more Info about your warband version and system would be helpfull, thx.
Wusel @ Omnia
Solved! Overwolf is a bitch and is deleted now and will never be welcome into this household again -.-
Not so solved... I can get a few minutes in, but then a crash happens. FML... now to wonder how this could be.
Hmmm, have you tried (/computergeniousmode on) reinstalling Warband?
Playing NI since December 2011

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