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New Ragnarok Classes - Found
A few classes i have started to see emerge the last few months -
Its a bit of fun nobody to take this seriously.
If someone really doesn't like the wording of some of it i will attempt to clean it up.
If anyone else can think of other Classes you have seen PM me and will add them.

The Double Peeker - The main focus of this class is to stand behind our Archers when they are taking out the Nord Archers and get there own team killed
                              - Known for not Reading in game chat and not knowing what is going on around them
Items of Choice -  Any kind of Ranged

(Prof Troll dies 1 second after this picture is taken)
[Image: D230DDC3379A6F16D64E192DCD39BF75BBA2B138]

The Douche - This is a class that seems to be appearing a lot more recently. They join Ragnarok servers wearing tier 1 Armour when they have Tier 4 armour.
                    - Often this class claims that they are being useful as they have more kills then the medic and shielders.     
                    - It claims it does not matter what armour it is wearing to do well, but im sure they wouldn't be wearing that armour if they were on there own or that if everybody on the server decided to wear tier 1 amrour they wouldn't get  anywhere.
Items of Choice - Xbow, Sniper bow or Jairds.

[Image: 1CA3BBBF4147E5B6CC3DCE697A394D24474C2D1C]

The German - A class thats very popular at the moment, it will sit behind Cades and Spam ranged.
                    -It has a very High legendary drop rate
                    - it doesnt matter what specialiazation it has points in it will be behind a wall of cades.
                    - Has Special Ability to try and exploit the NI website.
Items of Choice - SHC, Normal Cade, NI Marketplace and Pull Tosser 

[Image: 8220144B003D4B87E95B484364062A536A5A84F9] 

Les French - The most Arrogant Class, it thinks it is better then everyone else.         
                  - Can be easy to spot being the only class refusing to speak English on teamspeak or in game. 
                  - Has the Highest riding Skill and is always first to get away from a Battle 
                  - They stand out by using Aurora Blades a lot.
Items of Choice - Aurora Blade, Barrel and Transitional Armour
[Image: A316957BABFEEF9006843F82675F96E1CAF7BB22]

The Badmin - This class has been around for a while now. It is known for joining full servers on wave 16.
                    - This Class has a  alot of Charisma
                    - It likes to be center of attention and likes looking in the mirror at itself in the mornings.
Items of Choice - Admin Panel
(A really old Screenshot when 20 of 16 was allowed - used as example)
[Image: 0C4621E9B5E1EB2B58E2C9EF2E91A2F808B9F298]

The Russian - This is also known as the Cancer , it spends most of its time trying to mess with drop rates
                  - Offers really bad trades -example your hurricane bow for my ss bow + bear armour, deal?
                  - it manages to acquire 100 lead and 100 water in a few days and claims not to of known how it got there
Items of Choice - Spawns in - "xbow please"
[Image: Wut_zps1398e490.png]

The Slashielder - A shielder that gets so impatient for the round to end that it starts to slash with its feeble one-hander and inevitably gets killed.
                      - It has a very low drop rate, particularly on the mixed waves when one commando is as good as another and he isn't tomed in.
Items of choice: Fang of Fenrir/fell edge, Royal Shield, and a resurrection tome to be used when the slashielder is needed on a challenge/boss wave.

[Image: 103DA373C36BDF44163AD10C3FF3041CF7B2E71E]

The DoubleTeamShielder - This new class appears strongly among Canadians and often implemented if an important hockey game is on.
                                  - It is used to protect the main shielders back and stop other players from Slashing.
                                  - It has -10 rhythm and co-ordination and can be used when making a valid point about Kenyans.
Items of Choice: Any type of shield, Grosse messer

[Image: AF002B0D17E3C0CD7E0B829928CAD1E186960907]
hahaha love it, made me laugh
WS_Bradapple = Chosen Marksmen
WS_Bradapple_II = Royal Guard
WS_Brad =Warden
WS_Peaky_Blinder = Thomas Shelby
What about the Brummie class?
(12-11-2013, 12:01 AM)evilban link Wrote: The German - A class thats very popular at the moment, it will sit behind Cades and Spam ranged.
                    -It has a very High legendary drop rate
                    - it doesnt matter what specialiazation it has points in it will be behind a wall of cades.
                    - Has Special Ability to try and exploit the NI website.
Items of Choice - SHC, Normal Cade, NI Marketplace and Pull Tosser

I should probably be admonishing you for posting this, but I just have this off my chest. The first class should be peeker. Peak does not have the meaning you want. Refer to

Same for leecher vs leacher!
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
(12-11-2013, 12:28 AM)clickeverywhere link Wrote: I should probably be admonishing you for posting this, but I just have this off my chest. The first class should be peeker. Peak does not have the meaning you want. Refer to

Same for leecher vs leacher!

Could you just not of steam'd me for this!
Well, you weren't the only one making the mistake Tongue
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
(12-11-2013, 12:01 AM)evilban link Wrote: The German - A class thats very popular at the moment, it will sit behind Cades and Spam ranged.
                    -It has a very High legendary drop rate
                    - it doesnt matter what specialiazation it has points in it will be behind a wall of cades.
                    - Has Special Ability to try and exploit the NI website.
Items of Choice - SHC, Normal Cade, NI Marketplace and Pull Tosser 

Wow, aint this spot on
You left out the Slashielder - A shielder that gets so impatient for the round to end that it starts to slash with its feeble one-hander and inevitably gets killed.
                                          - It has a very low drop rate, particularly on the mixed waves when one commando is as good as another and he isn't tomed in.
Items of choice: Fang of Fenrir, Royal Shield, and a resurrection tome to be used when the slashielder is needed on a challenge/boss wave.
Characters: CC_Commando_NickyJ, CC_Ranger_NickyJ, CC_Pikeman_NickyJ, CC_Sharpshooter_NickyJ
(12-11-2013, 01:55 AM)NickyJ link Wrote: You left out the Slashielder - A shielder that gets so impatient for the round to end that it starts to slash with its feeble one-hander and inevitably gets killed.
                                          - It has a very low drop rate, particularly on the mixed waves when one commando is as good as another and he isn't tomed in.
Items of choice: Fang of Fenrir, Royal Shield, and a resurrection tome to be used when the slashielder is needed on a challenge/boss wave.

You might as well just change the name from slashielder to diamond_drop. Tongue

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