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WTB: Copper Bars
Looking for copper bars, PM me if you have some. Can pay in gold. Or if you're interested in other green mats we can work out something else.

Other stuff I can offer for it: (can also sell seperatly)
- 50x Coal
- 1x Damascus Steel
- 1x Zinc Shard
- 2x Wood of Glasir
- 1x Bear Armor (you balance of course if you don't have enough copper bars Wink)

Some other less valued mats:
- 200x Heavy Cloth
- 300x Twisted String
- 200x Sturdy Wood
- 300x Wolf Teeth Necklace
[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
Loki Kills: 365
Thor Kills: 333
Odin Kills: 263
Prince Kills: 404
King Ragnar Kills: 258

House Crafting: Support 39, Defender 33, Attacker 30
  Alchemist: Lvl 36
Blacksmith: Lvl 21
Armorsmith: Lvl 32
may or may not have some of this stuff Tongue, remind me in TS next time i see you
[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
Loki Kills: 365
Thor Kills: 333
Odin Kills: 263
Prince Kills: 404
King Ragnar Kills: 258

House Crafting: Support 39, Defender 33, Attacker 30
  Alchemist: Lvl 36
Blacksmith: Lvl 21
Armorsmith: Lvl 32

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