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WTS: all my mats
pls just do an offer for all the mats. i don't wanna pick something out and sell each thing separated.

Here the list:
1151 x Basic Wood
127 x Scrap Metal
45 x Bone Shard
81 x Bone Powder
40 x Twisted String
3 x Worm Root
1697 x Hydra Leaf
14 x Nem Flower
6 x Antiseptic Cloth
121 x Heavy Cloth
68 x Sturdy Wood
175 x Wolf Teeth Necklace
197 x Chain

PM me pls. =D
Steam: Mike
2013/???/?? - Worm Bane
2016/NOV/10 - Twigs of Yggdrasil
2020/SEP/28 - Noble Steel Gauntlets
2023/NOV/28 - Noble Steel Gauntlets
2024/OCT/07 - Ornate Scale Armour
2025/MAR/08 - Defender Helmet

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