20-04-2014, 05:37 PM
I have all the mats for it but the STRAPS, ARMOR PLATES, CONSTRUCTION TOOLS, PROCESSED WOOD all need to be crafted. All base materials are supplied. So in addition to the 787xp for crafting the SHC you or a housemate will get the extra. PM please if this is acceptable to you.
[Image: S42_SIg.png]
Horizon (ZweiHander)
Sacrifice (Sniper lvl 52)
Silent (Pikeman lvl 49)
None, though I have found 6 aketon and one large steaming pile of bullshit.
Horizon (ZweiHander)
Sacrifice (Sniper lvl 52)
Silent (Pikeman lvl 49)
None, though I have found 6 aketon and one large steaming pile of bullshit.