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WTK:2 hander weapons
Which out of these are the best: highlander claymore(what I have now), butcher and flamberge
Not sure, but I think Flamberge is a better version of Highland Claymore. If nothing else, the Flamberge has very long reach iirc... Think it's like 160-165
And the Butcher probably has highest damage, but the range is very short, so it's not really the easiest 2h in a shield wall - it's more for running around and cutting stuff up Tongue
Yeah thanks I was thing about getting a flamberge
Although, Flamberge is weaker than the others (45 cut) and is one of the slowest weapon in game, even polearms are faster. I think the Highlander is still the best option. (decent length and cut for an interesting price) . Anyway, it is up to you. On the other hand, Flamberge isn't that expensive, you may be able to get both of them. ^^
Imperial_Eagle, Legionnaire by trade
Hmm, a little update on that. These stats are a little older, so not sure if they're 100%, but they should be a correct representation of the difference between the three swords:

                                                      Flamberge        Highlander Claymore          Butcher
Weight                                                2.75                            3                                3
Weapon Speed Rating                          88                              97                            102
Weapon Length                                    152                            123                              93
Weapon Base Damage                            44                            45                              56

These are only the damages for slashing. Thrusting isn't really that important with most 2h, so I left that out. Also, the Butcher doesn't have a thrust attack (although you may have known that already Wink)

So yeah, Highlander Claymore has a decent range of 123, damage of 45 and a good attack speed, so it's probably most useful in a shield wall.
Flamberge has lower damage and lower speed, but the range makes it easier to slash if there are many other slashers.
Butcher is by far the heaviest hitter, and fastest, but that range makes it a bit tricky to use in a shield wall - generally only one spot will have enemies close enough to slash with that range, so the other two give you a bit more flexibility.
flamberge is 45c
highlander claymore is 48c
and butcher not sure but 58c or 60c
what is with the boarding axe?
57dmg its long enough and about 350k
My shit is the best so buy it Tongue

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