Emails are disabled - for account issues, post in #help on the NI Discord.

SUAN- Swadians United Against Nords Recruitment (Always open to Apps)
This house is intended to be for people tier 3 and up, but we will accept people who are tier 2. Me and a few of my friends intended to recruit everyone that we could and generally have fun, not for any reason, and maybe just grind some XP together. This house is completely intended to be for fun, and to mess around, but to play the game in a serious way. No one will be yelled at for messing up or anything, it's complete fun. We will be using our own Teamspeak server starting Monday June 23rd, but for now we use Skype as our mode of communication. We do have events, almost every weekend or we try to.
If you're looking for a house to just mess around in and get a lot of xp and such, then you've come to the right place. c:

[Image: oCc4dan.png]

Your character should be at least level 24 before applying.
If your app is accepted you will be immediately invited and then you should be expected to change your name to [SUAN]Name
You have to be at least tier two for application.
Here's the App

Mode of communication(TS3,Skype,etc.):
Steam name:
Character Level:
Character Class:
Character player ID:
Anything extra that you'd like to add:
Good luck~
Thank you c:
Good Luck
Legendary Loots: Illustrious 28th October 2014
Good luck with the house! If you ever want a banner in-game, stop by the banner update thread and give me a holler and I'll add it in. If, like me, you're not good with graphic design, you can ask spacey to make you a banner.

Official Banner Update Pack -,25828.0.html
Perseus     (Lvl 52 Royal Guard)
Artemis     (Lvl 52 Warden)
Hephaestus (Lvl 52 Zweihander)
Ares          (Lvl 52 Pikeman Hybrid)
Hestia       (Lvl 24 Heavy Xbow)

Loots: 1x Sun Pike
Good Luck
Good luck Wink

Solo Runs:
- Hard -> All maps done
- Ragnarok -> Old Shire/Swadian Outskirts/First Defence died W15
MyShop   Steam
Thanks to everyone who has wished us good luck we really appreciate it  Big Grin
Good luck from VM!  See you guys on the battlefield!  ;D
VM_Gazma_Swordmaster - lvl 52 Zweihander
VM_Gazma_Pikemaster - lvl 52 Pikeman
VM_Gazma_Bowmaster - lvl 52 Sentinel

Legendaries: AHAHAHAHAHA
IGN: The fuck is that
Mode of communication(TS3,Skype,etc.):TS3
Steam name:Joey have me added on steam...
Mic?: Yes
Character Level:52
Character Class:Warden
Character player ID:2475154
Anything extra that you'd like to add: Joey you know me bro. I like to play NI.
Squad Squad Squad squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad squad Squad Squad Sqaud Sqaud

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