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A couple suggestions.
Hi all, this is a suggestion that is mostly to do with crafting services people offer.

I know of a few people who have either been scammed or are living in fear of being scammed when asking people to craft things for them, Even some people in the same houses have scammed members before. (I'm more so talking about over a year ago scam incidents.)

My suggestion is we introduce a system where once a crafter had 3 people vouch for him/her having  a legitimate crafting service/store and wont scam them they become verified so that people wont be constantly living in fear of potentially being scammed.

Example if I was to open up an armour smith crafting store, where I craft armour for people 1-hero class at the start people would be sceptical because I am not a well known member in the community. But if I was to be vouched for (With screen shots of trades) and earn a verified status it would make more people comfortable to use my service, they supply me the mats and the order, I supply them their completed Armour(s).

Sure people can easily gain this verified status with just 3 vouches, but that's just an example. Maybe 3 vouches from people like game admins or people that everyone knows or devs or something to see how teh service goes. Mixed with just random players as well. This thread/idea may seem quite stupid to some/all of you which is understandable but I just thought I'd suggest it. Could be a way for the 'Poorer' people to gain some kind of a name in this community and feel like they belong, I know some people who feel isolated because they don't have 5 legendaries, and 2 barrels/tomes. While if they want picking up a little bit of extra cash.


Is a monthly house event where the house who is the most active and most helpful to the Nord Invasion community have a chance of winning a house prize. There could be mats/armours/weapons in here. Or the community/Houses could donate to the pool, and then at the end of the month, a video goes up for a developer putting all of the participating houses into a hat (showing all houses names that donated to show there is no rigging) and then on unedited/uncut footage they developer picks the paper, then shows it to the camera. This way if a house wins two consecutive months in a row, there can be no claims of the competition being rigged.)

You could also do a community one as well where individuals donate something into the pool and at the end of the month one -five names are drawn out and it is split or given to the first name to come out.

This also helps the less skill-full players/ players with less time that work and such more  of a chance to get some cooler items. (Like striped, butcher, Sharp Shooter bow etc.)

I understand the raffles seem silly but I just thought I'd throw it out there as it's something I personally think would add a bit more generosity into the game. Of course the house winners would have to share it with the house. And of course for a house to enter they need to have donated atleast 300k worth of stuff (Be it a butcher or mats or something.)

Obviously this thread may get flamed alot so I please ask you all to not start flaming me/my supporters or people who disagree with my suggestions. These are meerly feeler suggestions to see what both the community AND the developers think of my ideas. If the community/devs go for them then great. If not, that's not a huge drama.

One last thing is mostly in relation to the Australian community within Nord Invasion, as many of you know, AU only has TWO servers. Honestly I find it quite frustrating that EU and NA have I think something like 30 combined total of servers. I haven't bothered to count them because I just don't see what the point is. I'm requesting/suggesting on behalf of the Australian Nord Invasion community, that two of these servers funds be put to better use and used to purchase one or two new Australian servers, It's unfair to the Australians to have to go to EU and NA servers, if we want to do Ragnorak mode, we get accused of leeching all the time and it creates arguments in the game. I believe from what I was told today another Ragnorak server was opened for EU, be it true or not how ever I do not know. If the reason that AU only has two servers is because each regions gets as many servers as there is donated from that region than I guess two is fair enough because our community isn't as big as EU and NA clearly, but I still feel strongly and so does probably 99% of the active Australian community that AU needs ATLEAST one more server to host Ragnorak on.

Sorry to have rambled.


Loots - 8
I think judging which House is the most active and beneficial to the community is not an easy thing to approach and would undoubtedly lead to accusations of favoritism and such. Kind of hard to say one House has contributed more to the mod each month than the others anyways, as they all contribute in their own ways to an extent.

I'm not an expert on the subject, but I believe AU has less servers not just because the community there is smaller, but also because server hosting there is very expensive. At least that's what I've heard. Never tried hosting servers in AU myself as I've never had the need. However I do think that each region should at least have 1 normal, 1 hard, and 1 ragnarok server to make things fair.
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Perseus     (Lvl 52 Royal Guard)
Artemis     (Lvl 52 Warden)
Hephaestus (Lvl 52 Zweihander)
Ares          (Lvl 52 Pikeman Hybrid)
Hestia       (Lvl 24 Heavy Xbow)

Loots: 1x Sun Pike
i agree with your suggestions including the one about the AU servers. However, the reason for the high amount of servers in NA and EU is because of 2 things, the population of those communities is large, and the cost of server hosting in those areas is low. AU has the smallest population AND the most expensive servers. I suppose funding could be redistributed towards AU from the others but that would take away from the other communities. And money for server hosting doesn't grow on trees, donations are needed to keep NI going and currently they don't have a huge surplus.

*note* My statement may seem objective towards your idea, but to the contrary I really hope it does happen, its sometimes just useful for people to know the facts and the possibilities. As far as I can tell, it can and should be done.

inveniet viam, aut faciet
StuStu-All I'll say buddy is Arbilest or however it's spelt, crafting price means nothing in NI, if you are a long time player you should know that yourself, I'm done arguing with someone who's naive as ****
[Image: lNYrB9c.png]
I don't see a need for more AU servers, we usually don't even get a public run of 16 Aussie/Kiwi players. I am curious however as to why there is an excessive amount of EU servers, I don't see more than 3 of them being used at any one time (though that may just be because of time difference)
As dong pointed out there is way to many EU servers, and roughly only 1 server is full at any given time (except weekends) and rarely has more than 3 servers with 5+ players. (Unless there is alot on when I'm sleeping.) And yes it is true that AU servers are expensive, but there is x amount of UNUSED EU servers, and NA servers not being used, and funds are being wasted. It's unfair to the Australian community to only have 2 servers when there is over 100 active people in the Australian community. As for 'Never' getting a full Aussie/kiwi server that is untrue, when ever the AU servers are full there is almost always EU and NA people there some fighting some leeching when there are sometimes 5 or 6 aussies in the teamspeak trying to get in. let alone people who aren't.

Maybe I'm biased saying that it's unfair to onyl have 2 servers. But the simple fact is, it's unfair to a fair chunk of the community to continue opening servers that will probably get used for a week and then get populated once a day, where as the Aussie server would get populated all day (Not at NA and EU peak times so people from there of course would say it's a waste but the timezone makes it hard to prove how active/inactive a community is unless you live in that timezone. Which of course contradicts my pervious comment about me never seeing more than 3 servers with 5+ players in it.)

Often during the day for me (early to late night for NA, Late night for EU.) I go onto the NA and EU servers, and I see sometimes up to 5 or 6 AU players there, AU is not as small as NA and EU think. And yes I do agree with the comment on people saying that people will claim it's biased, which is why I also thought of the donation one where if a house donates 300k+ they enter the pool, the dev(s) put up an unedited video showing all the house names, and then drawing the house out. This way people don't say it's rigged and a house has more than one entry, It literally is just lady luck. There of course will still be the immature people saying it's rigged. I mean we can make it if a house wins it one month they can NOT enter the next month. Or donate for the next month.

Loots - 8
The Na and eu servers are used quite a lot when the Au people are in bed.  Nore do I believe that there are over 100 AU players active.  Currently I am 100% sure that Eu has the largest player base, and NA is the second largest, leaving AU with the smallest one.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q

Ragnash and Benschie were personally paying for the AU servers themselves. So if you would like more AU servers then organize something w/ the dev team about raising $ for them.

Pretty sure the EU servers were part of a package deal. So they weren't paying for each individual one. Heard this awhile back so might be different now
Broad shouldered: LatinaHeat
Soft hands: Murrow
Soiled hands: Lantice
Queenie: Phe
Morale Tent: Ailish, Buki, Chasia,
(04-08-2012, 09:06 AM)Legend link Wrote:and you are a sex-object murrow  :Smile (and a guy who's a woman..)
(10-07-2014, 01:00 AM)Sargent Q link Wrote:The Na and eu servers are used quite a lot when the Au people are in bed.  Nore do I believe that there are over 100 AU players active.  Currently I am 100% sure that Eu has the largest player base, and NA is the second largest, leaving AU with the smallest one.

There is over 100 active individuals plus 300-500 casual players. Most of the active players spend their day waiting an hour to get into a full Aussie server when they are full or just give up waiting and go on an EU/NA server. ANd I never said AU was the biigest community. Smile

The devs shouldn't have to raise money for them murrow, they should merge the funds from one server from NA and one from EU to help bridge the gap between the funds. As for the pack deal, I doubt that EVERY single EU server would be included in that pack.

Anyway this thread is probably gonna turn into people just trying to shut me out saying AU doesn't need a Ragnorak server so I'm just going to end it by saying we do and it's unfair to all the Aussies and I dare say 99% of the Aussie community who can play Ragnorak mode would support this thread. But as usual in multi region communities the smallest community is always afraid of speaking up becuase the bigger communities always shut them out. So I am acting as the voice of the small community saying that community wants a third server.

All that being said, I understand where you are coming from, but I just don't see how it's fair to say AU's needs are irrelevant. If it was the otherway around and an EU needed a server, and AU had 15 or so, then you would be saying the exact same thing I would be.
Loots - 8
It is not possible to move one or two servers from NA and EU to AU because the paid servers are actually running on only two machines - one in NA and one in EU.

Expense for AU servers is definitely an issue.  With the cost of the current AU host, three AU servers cost more than all the NA servers.

I would like to see more than two AU servers but it is not so simple as closing a server or two in the other regions.
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(10-07-2014, 04:05 AM)Kip link Wrote:It is not possible to move one or two servers from NA and EU to AU because the paid servers are actually running on only two machines - one in NA and one in EU.

Expense for AU servers is definitely an issue.  With the cost of the current AU host, three AU servers cost more than all the NA servers.

I would like to see more than two AU servers but it is not so simple as closing a server or two in the other regions.

yes but the funds that go into that would defiantly help would it not?
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