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Landsknecht - Recruiting
(09-10-2014, 09:59 AM)Ricochet link Wrote:Ingame Name: Ricochet/Ricochet_IV/Ricochet_VII/Ricochet_X
Player ID: 2449077/2439654/2456908/2439467
Level: 52/52/44/43
Class: Master Peltast/Commando/Sharpshooter/Sniper
Cavalry: 0/1/0/0
Support Class: Master Surgeon/Engineer/Engineer/Engineer
Crafting Profession and Level: Alchemist(10)/Armorsmith(10)/Blacksmith(3)/Blacksmith(7)
Availability: Monday-Friday: 15:00-22:00 Saturday-Sunday:10:00-00:00. Holidays: 10:00-00:00 (Times can vary)
Region: EU/GER
Age: 15
Personal Statement: Loyal,Following orders,I like team play, I try my best to attend events
Members Vouching for You:

I've seen you around a bit, but I don't know you well and neither do any other members I've talked to.  Application pending, meet us on Teamspeak so we can play some rounds together.

(09-10-2014, 09:36 PM)BlueRain link Wrote:Name: Nick

Level: 48(Pikeman)

Level 41(Commando)

Steam Profile: ☠Piraⓣeer☠ (copy the name to search on Steam)

Reason for Joining Landsknecht: I Want To Join Landsknecht Because This is a "Major" clan and I have only been in Small clans that had members that were never on. I think this is a great clan to station in to help myself and eveyone else.

Character name, not real life name Wink
I don't know if I've seen you around or not.  Application pending, please meet us on Teamspeak so we can play some rounds together and see if you are a good fit for the house.
Nice to LK still kicking around Smile
Guess its time to become active in this mod again. So im coming back to my beloved house.

Ingame Name: darklit_I (II,III,IV)
Player ID: 2447180,2452044,2452011,
Level: 52,52,52,48
Class: Warden,Master peltast,Zweihander, Sharpshooter
Cavalry: 2,2,2,2
Support Class: siege engineer,siege engineer, siege engineer, field nurse
Crafting Profession and Level: Armoursmith max, weaponsmith lvl 16,alchemy lvl 11
Availability: weekdays after 3:30. And some saturdays, all sundays after like 1. So sunday events i can attend ( sometimes saturday)
Region: NA
Age: im 18
Personal Statement: Left the game for a few months due to my headset broken, and warband needs an audio system to launch the game. So i was unable to
Play. And got bored, so i took a break. But now im back and LK seems the most suitable house for me.
Members Vouching for You: i am a returning member. Ill speak to you winter on steam.
[Image: 76561198069110595.png]

Dragon Halberd
Thanos Legacy
Studded Gauntlets
Vagabond Helmet

| darklit | Esox | Isoptera | Bombina | Branta | Agnus | Caridea| Hyla |
Record of the first run last night, dont miss the second, the second was very exciting^^

[LK]Kanade_Tachibana - Warden || [LK]Engel - Marauder || [LK]Engelchen - Royal Guard || [LK]Kanade-chan - Chosen Marksman || [LK]Tenshi - Pavise Champion || [LK]Kanade-Senpai - Legionnaire || [LK]Kanade-Sensei - Sentinel || [LK]Kanade - lvl 27

Wormbane - 2014
(02-10-2014, 06:39 AM)Mass~ link Wrote:                                          Application form:

In game name: Mass~
Player ID: 2477062
Level: 42
Class: Commando
Cavalry: No rank
Support class: Engineer? The one with barricades and barrels
Crafting profession and level: Blacksmith level 6
Availability: usually 3 pm to 12 am pacific time
Region: NA
Age: 17
Personal statement: Love to play games with people, not really the solo type.
Members vouching for me: none
Application Denied. I've already contacted you on Steam, but if you'd like a further explanation please PM me or message me on Steam.

(16-10-2014, 12:47 PM)darklit link Wrote:Guess its time to become active in this mod again. So im coming back to my beloved house.

Ingame Name: darklit_I (II,III,IV)
Player ID: 2447180,2452044,2452011,
Level: 52,52,52,48
Class: Warden,Master peltast,Zweihander, Sharpshooter
Cavalry: 2,2,2,2
Support Class: siege engineer,siege engineer, siege engineer, field nurse
Crafting Profession and Level: Armoursmith max, weaponsmith lvl 16,alchemy lvl 11
Availability: weekdays after 3:30. And some saturdays, all sundays after like 1. So sunday events i can attend ( sometimes saturday)
Region: NA
Age: im 18
Personal Statement: Left the game for a few months due to my headset broken, and warband needs an audio system to launch the game. So i was unable to
Play. And got bored, so i took a break. But now im back and LK seems the most suitable house for me.
Members Vouching for You: i am a returning member. Ill speak to you winter on steam.
Application Denied. If you would like more information please contact me or Winter through a PM or Steam message.

Otherwise I'd like to say thank you to everyone who attended our first couple events, they've been quite successful Smile
[Image: Untitled-1.gif]
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024
"time is money jaja and loot" - Blame
Unfortunatly I had to take off the first run from saturday, here is the second run Smile

[LK]Kanade_Tachibana - Warden || [LK]Engel - Marauder || [LK]Engelchen - Royal Guard || [LK]Kanade-chan - Chosen Marksman || [LK]Tenshi - Pavise Champion || [LK]Kanade-Senpai - Legionnaire || [LK]Kanade-Sensei - Sentinel || [LK]Kanade - lvl 27

Wormbane - 2014
Player ID: 2442695, 2442385
Level: 41, 39
Class: Crossbow, Infantry
Cavalry: Just started messing with cav, haven't really gotten anywhere with it
Support Class: medic, apprentice
Crafting Profession and Level: Armourer, 7
Availability: Thats a pretty broad window, weekdays about 12(noon)-12(midnight), all day weekends if im not working
Region: NA
Age: 16
Personal Statement: I've just come back from a 9 month break and found out that the house i'm in is not very respected and was looking for something other than that. Have been playing for a while, I was even in OTD way back when (I was young, please forgive me). Just got my inf to commando, dont have amazing gear, but have some decent stuff, right now just looking to get better at the game, make some money, and have fun.
Members Vouching for You:  Well moe said he hasn't played with me enough but hey, I figured id mention it.
(27-10-2014, 04:23 AM)tdef link Wrote:Ingame Name: MOV_TMAN, MOV_TMAN_III
Player ID: 2442695, 2442385
Level: 41, 39
Class: Crossbow, Infantry
Cavalry: Just started messing with cav, haven't really gotten anywhere with it
Support Class: medic, apprentice
Crafting Profession and Level: Armourer, 7
Availability: Thats a pretty broad window, weekdays about 12(noon)-12(midnight), all day weekends if im not working
Region: NA
Age: 16
Personal Statement: I've just come back from a 9 month break and found out that the house i'm in is not very respected and was looking for something other than that. Have been playing for a while, I was even in OTD way back when (I was young, please forgive me). Just got my inf to commando, dont have amazing gear, but have some decent stuff, right now just looking to get better at the game, make some money, and have fun.
Members Vouching for You:  Well moe said he hasn't played with me enough but hey, I figured id mention it.

Application on hold. Sorry for the extremely late response to your application, I'll have a chat with other members of the house before making a decision.
[Image: Untitled-1.gif]
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024
"time is money jaja and loot" - Blame
Ingame Name: Midren, Yui, Yuki
Player ID: 2447574, 2476359, 2445855
Level: 52 accross the board
Class: Ranger, Legionare, Halberdier
Cavalry: 3, 2, 2
Support Class: 2 siege engineers and a master surgion
Crafting Profession and Level: 11 blacksmith, 14 armoursmith, 13 alchemist
Availability: 3-11pm EST weekdays, all day every other weekend
Region: NA
Age: 20
Personal Statement: You know me, im that one guy that annoys you Smile
Members Vouching for You:  Xen, Winter, Bigb, Terath, and every other member (or so i would hope) Smile
Map Thread

Message me on discord or steam from NA server issues
(10-11-2014, 02:48 AM)Midren link Wrote:Ingame Name: Midren, Rageirino, Yuki
Player ID: 2447574, 2476359, 2445855
Level: 52 accross the board
Class: Ranger, Legionare, Halberdier
Cavalry: 3, 2, 2
Support Class: 2 siege engineers and a master surgion
Crafting Profession and Level: 11 blacksmith, 14 armoursmith, 13 alchemist
Availability: 3-11pm EST weekdays, all day every other weekend
Region: NA
Age: 20
Personal Statement: You know me, im that one guy that annoys you Smile
Members Vouching for You:  Xen, Winter, Bigb, Terath, and every other member (or so i would hope) Smile

Time to beg for gear in a new house I guess..  Good luck  :Smile

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