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Senatvs PopvlvsQve Romanvs [SPQR] (Eu Level 39 +) (Recruiting)
[font=times new roman]
Senatvs PopvlvsQve Romanvs

    The glorious Roman Empire decided to send their most valorous soldiers to help Swadia. In the beginning there were only Roman native troops, but later Senate approved recruit soldiers from different european countries. The recruitment in roman legion has a trial week and after the general will decide whether to hire or not.
    We have our TeamSpeak channel, but it's not the most important. We can also keep in touch on Steam. Our plan is form a good team for making events. We will happy to support new members level up progress and make good equipment. We are top on every profession crafting and we are going to improve our defender house crafting.


[Image: eq5vl2.jpg]

House Members
Good Luck Sagi  Wink
Nice banner.
Legendary Loots: Illustrious 28th October 2014
(07-12-2014, 08:23 PM)Farawyn link Wrote:Good Luck Sagi  Wink
Nice banner.
thank you!
It's Shark creation Smile
Good luck, man.
if you have problem of the model variety send it to winter xen winter me winter me xen me winter because it'll piss him off
what is a Senatvs PopvlvsQve Romanvs?
Don't suicide yourself. Bradapple 07/01/2015

And last thing im gonna say is dont make my point to another way. - Gandhi
Good lvck
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.03.03)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
Good Luck
Philosophy is questions that may never be answered,

Religion is answers that may never be questioned
good luck
(07-12-2014, 08:34 PM)Elmo link Wrote:what is a Senatvs PopvlvsQve Romanvs?

good luck guys!
(07-12-2014, 08:34 PM)Elmo link Wrote:what is a Senatvs PopvlvsQve Romanvs?
the senate is roman people

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