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NewYear's Event No.3 31.12.2014-1.1.2015
Character Name: VL_SOMEONE
Level: 52
Class: Pikeman
Equipment: Jormugandr,Naval Glaive,Tome,Medic Box and good pikeman gear
Role: Slasher
Location(NA/EU/AU): EU
Volunteer to be Captain?: No
Character Name: Edoras
Level: 52
Class: Royal Guard
Equipment: DWP, Aegis, Fearsome, Barrel, Wallcade
Role: Shielder
Location(NA/EU/AU): EU
Volunteer to be Captain?: no
Character Name: Adam_242411_PL
Level: 52
Class: Pikeman
Equipment: sarrisa
Location: EU
Role: thrower
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) No, thanks

Legendary items:

Plate over leather-27.09.2015
Eastern Full Scale-04.09.2018
Leather Overmail-04.09.2018

Volunteer to be Captain?:NO
Character Name:  Izanagi Spring
Level: 52
Class: Warden Zweihander
Equipment: Tome / MSK / Stag / Ebony Mjolnir / Legacy
Location(NA/EU/AU): NA
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional)  Sure if I get a medal
Character Name:  SK_American/Mexican
Level: 52
Class: Zweihander/Royal Guard
Equipment: Royal Shield/Aurora Blade/Tome/Field Medic
Map: Any
Role: Slasher/Shield
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) Not unless medals are actually going to be provided.
Character Name: [LK]Mr_Killer_RG/[LK]Mr_Killer_Ranger 
Level: 52/52
Class: Royal Guard/Ranger
Equipment: Wall Cade/SHC (both can use), Aegis Shield, Head Crusher/ Sharpshooter Bow, War/Bronze Arrows
Location(NA/EU/AU): NA
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) No thanks
Ancient Greatsword - 2015-08-27
Fang of Fenrir x2 - 2015-10-15
Volundr Greatsword - 2024-06-06
Naval Glaive - 2024-06-08
Rebellion - 2024-06-08
Steel Stinger - 2024-06-27
Penetrator - 2024-07-10
Dragon Bolts - 2024-07-12
Malice - 2024-08-03
Dellingr's Hands - 2024-12-08
Twigs of Yggdrasil - 2024-12-27
Barbutte with Coif - 2024-12-29
Jormungandr - 2024-12-29
Character Name: BoS_Rumcajs_RG
Level:47 (want to get it to that RG finally)
Class: Commando
EQ: useless, maybe but Aurora and Normal Cade as platform for ranged
Role: Slasher/backup shielder (if one falls)/healer
Location: EU
Volunteer: im not a good leader

That may look pathetic but i can be useful as a slasher and i hope to get in some Rag/Hard event Wink
BoS_Rumcajs_RG - lvl 52 Royal Guard
BoS_Rumcajs_Warden - lvl 52 Warden
And some other minor

Legendaries: Griffon Bascinet (nice joke btw)
Character Name: TH_Phoenix
Level: 52
Class: Master Peltast
Equipment: CTS, Baricade
Role: Skirmisher
Location: EU
Volunteer to be Captain?: No
Character Name: TH_Shir_Khan
Level: 47
Class: Sniper
Equipment: War Arrows, Baricade
Role: Sniper
Location: EU
Voluteer to be Capitain?: No

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