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NewYear's Event No.3 31.12.2014-1.1.2015
Character Name: Fegelstation4
Level: 52
Class: Royal Guard
Equipment: DWP, SoK, Durendal, Wall Barricade, SHB, maybe a barrel
Role: Shielder / slasher
Location(NA/EU/AU): EU
Volunteer to be Captain?: no
Character Name: VL_Guard_Backfisch
Level: 52
Class: Royal Guard
Equipment: Swadian Helm, Trans, Bannerguard, Head Crusher, SHC
Role: Shielder
Location: EU
Volunteer to be Captain?: Better not^^
04.10.15 Dragon Breath
22.05.17 Ullr's Bane

Character Name: TH_idontknow
Level: 52
Class: Warden
Equipment: Platform (maybe Ebony Bow)
Role: Sniper/Engineer
Volunteer to be Captain?: No

Character Name: [LK]Kanade-chan
Level: 33 (atm)
Class: Men at Arms
Equipment: nothing special
Role: Ranged (Crossbow), Healer, Emergencyshielder
Location(NA/EU/AU): EU

Time I plan to come to the activities: 2:00+ GMT
[LK]Kanade_Tachibana - Warden || [LK]Engel - Marauder || [LK]Engelchen - Royal Guard || [LK]Kanade-chan - Chosen Marksman || [LK]Tenshi - Pavise Champion || [LK]Kanade-Senpai - Legionnaire || [LK]Kanade-Sensei - Sentinel || [LK]Kanade - lvl 27

Wormbane - 2014
Character Name:  VM_Ferret2
Class: Pikeman
Equipment: CTS, medic box
Role: Throwing
Location(NA/EU/AU): NA
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) no -Use this link to add me on Steam Thanks.
Character Name: BoS_Kaczka_II/ BoS_Kaczka_III
Class:Master Peltast/Commando
Equipment:CTS + Barrel /sks
Volunteer to be Captain?:No
Loots : 29
2014 +
2015 ++
2019 +
2020 ++++
2021 +++++++++++
2022 ++++++
2024 ++++
Character Name: Nka19, Nka47, Nka69, Nka74, Nka17 (no idea what I'll use)
Level: 52
Class: Heros
Equipment: All I own
Role: -II-
Location(NA/EU/AU): EU
Volunteer to be Captain?: No

Not sure on what character I'll play and might be switching them around as I please Wink.
[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
Loki Kills: 365
Thor Kills: 333
Odin Kills: 263
Prince Kills: 404
King Ragnar Kills: 258

House Crafting: Support 39, Defender 33, Attacker 30
  Alchemist: Lvl 36
Blacksmith: Lvl 21
Armorsmith: Lvl 32
Character Name: FSA_Maxdu50
Level: 52
Class: Royal Guard
Equipment: Transi, Resilience, SHC
Role:  Slasher/Shield
Location(NA/EU/AU): EU
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) : No
Loots : 52 + 1 Essence
Character Name: VM_Sargent_X, VM_Sargent_X_Infantry, VM_Sargent_X_Pike, VM_Sargent_X_Xbow, VM_Sargent_Y_Xbow, VM_Gazmal_Swordmaster (no idea what I'll use)
Level: 52
Class: Heros
Equipment: All I own
Role: -II-
Location(NA/EU/AU): NA
Volunteer to be Captain?: If Necessary.

Not sure on what character I'll play and might be switching them around as I please Wink.
Character Name:  Izanagi Spring Hart_Or
Level: 52
Class: Warden Zweihander HalberDeer
Equipment: Tome / MSK / Stag / Ebony Mjolnir / Legacy Naval Glaive, CTS, Full Cow Overmail, Possibly a tome by then
Role: PEWPEWPEW BASHBASHBASH slashythrowy combo
Location(NA/EU/AU): NA
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional)  Only if I get a medal
Deerheart: Royal ShielDeer | Eikthyrnir: Antlered Legionnaire | Cernunnos: Pavise ShielDeer | CerynianHind: Master of Pelts | Hart_Or: HalberDeer | Furcifer: Warden of the Wood

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