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Happy New Year 2015
Hi all. Happy New Year again! Back by popular demand I have decided to pull together some stats like I did last year so here we go with 10 interesting stats, some the same and some different.

20.2 Million Pages
That's over 55,000 pages served up every day this year and an increase of over half a million!

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor
Crafting remains the most popular page after the character page. The redesigned auction hall however has seen a surge in its popularity and was the most popular page in December.

Region 1 baby
The source regions remain the same with USA taking the number one spot over Germany followed by the UK, Australia and Poland fill the top five. When split into sub continent however Western Europe easily trumps over North America followed by North and then Eastern Europe. Australia props up the bottom of the top 5.

You guys certainly created a huge number of characters although people are clearly much more content with their characters with a drop in 4,000.

To me! To you! To me! To you! Trading is on the up with over 23,000 extra trades set up this year.

The iPhone remains king
Although desktop users demolish mobile users (over 90% desktop!!!), the iPhone remains the most popular phone. But beware - a subtle trick by Apple devices however allows all variants to hide under one name. The iPad manages to retain second place and although the iPod too uses the trick as the others it drops to 4th place behind the HTC M7 One which takes 3rd place and proves the most popular single Android device. In manufacturer wars however Samsung takes second place over HTC (whilst Apple obviously leads).

iOS manages to retain its lead in the mobile OS wars however it has lost the crown in the monthly wars in August so expect to see Android on top next year unless Apple does something special.

Our visitor numbers are up by 23% based on last year. We saw a big boost based on the new listing of the mod on Steam but plenty came from you guys. Thanks and keep spreading the word!

Browser Wars
Chrome is the undeniable king of browsers on NI increasing 2 points to over 63%. Firefox keeps the second place crown despite falling 2 points to 23% and whilst only accounting for 5% of traffic Internet Explorer has an increase of 6.32% versus last year's usage.

By special request I can confirm that there is over 900 players with legendary items sat out there in player inventories so its clearly not impossible to get them. Keep on fighting on and this could be you next year!

Anyway this wraps up another year of stats. Hopefully you found these interesting and let us know what other stats you would like to know next year or anything else you think that people should know about in NI during 2014. See you on the battlefield!

/Nao & All of the NI Dev Team
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024

Slowly being bled dry by NI... Please help me and donate!
Wow thanks for the interesting facts!
& Happy new year!
Prince: 11x  (twice in 1 hour)  Torturer: 39x
Ragnar: 4x                              Nord War Marshal: 9x
Thor: Not my Brother!             Loke: 5x
Odin: 2x                                 Nord Siege Cpt: 19x
Princess Dortea: 1x               ALCHEMIST LEVEL 18!
Got KICKED to death by HANDE twice  || looted 30+ Aketons
wow thx!
NI maps (The forgotten bay Nordic Fortress / Frosthaven / Medieval fields / River's conflict / Swadian Mines )
Suprised, happy and proud to see so many players from Poland. I joined in 2014 to increase the count as well. Smile
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.02.02)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
Awesome stats, thanks Naozumi!
[Image: Untitled-1.gif]
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024
"time is money jaja and loot" - Blame

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