25-01-2015, 08:02 AM
Hello,i have a strange bug in all Ragnarick servers: During the preparation time i can`t replace items at all and my preparation time always can be 3000-10000 sec instead of usual 30-40 sec.Bug affects only the Ragnarock servers,in hard and normal its ok.
Thatsmybanana: Ok that's fine, you were mad, i understand.
Nikos: I love ponyes and you can`t change it, so stop beat me.
Morgan: Oh,you die? Ahahahahaha!!
Morgan: You are a cool russian!
Takeo: You can trust me.
Nikos: I love ponyes and you can`t change it, so stop beat me.
Morgan: Oh,you die? Ahahahahaha!!
Morgan: You are a cool russian!
Takeo: You can trust me.