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Coming back?
I have to ask this now since I now actually have a machine capable of running warband since my laptop bottled it. But is it worth coming back? I mean no disrespect but around the time my laptop broke there was about 2 or so houses for EU that actually did events and I rarely saw any more than 8 people on the servers. Is this still the case or has it changed now?
The houses I know, UK and CC, are having events from around 18-20 players each time .. So the answer is yes.
DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 19 - ArmorSmith 22 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8
is it only events which are the active times?
also trickster WS DB SB ...
Best Solo:
Normal 20 Completed
Hard 20 Completed
Ragnarok 19 incompleted
Public servers are actually stacked every evening (CET) and a lot of houses run events every week.
CC, UK, DB, CM, LK, VM, WS, LoC, Tricksters and others that I am forgetting.
OK I will give it a go then Smile

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