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The rules you impose to this mod are turning away new players
All day today it seems like people were just throwing out threats of ban or reported at what had to be new players trying out the game. They figure out how to place barricades and stack one on the other just trying things out. And them what can only be described as a pissed off middle management bald guy goes Ideological with enforcing rules. This is just going to drive new players away if they have to account for artificial rules that the game code allows. I suggest you code out whatever you didn't want people to do in your game so that this whole thing can just be avoided and people stop going on a power trip over this. Because as long as a player can do it in a game and you just tell them "no" with no real reason other then this is what they told us how to play the game, it's just going to alienate people who want to play mount and blade.

Since the ability to stack barricades is apparently a major glitch, Could their not be a screen as you log in that states what the current importaint rules are? This is just me, but people who download a mod from steam are really not inclined to read your forum the first time they play. They would also probably be turned off even more given the sign up required. Add the rules some one is bound to be yelling at them about and it just creates an environment where people are just not going to play again.

It is true that some players can get pissed of to new players if they are placing barricades to "wrong" places. I don't like to see when someone is yelling at them bad things instead of helping out nicely. We highly recommend old players to have some patience for new players. That way we can avoid most of the bad feelings that new player might get. Of course there might be/come some cases that went totally over the board. That is where we hop in.

(05-02-2015, 08:45 AM)koseph link Wrote: Since the ability to stack barricades is apparently a major glitch, Could their not be a screen as you log in that states what the current importaint rules are? This is just me, but people who download a mod from steam are really not inclined to read your forum the first time they play. They would also probably be turned off even more given the sign up required. Add the rules some one is bound to be yelling at them about and it just creates an environment where people are just not going to play again.
Do you mean with this that we should make a popup/button to game esc menu where players can read out some of the game rules ?
I think what Koseph is hinting at is the screen "Show game rules" (or something along those lines). This shows the server settings, and has some room for the host to type a message, such as the mod's rules.
I was never here, you saw nothing...

Motivational tip: When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say confidently, "That's a nice head you have on your shoulders."
Maybe in the strategies and planning section you could make another sub section called " beginners help " and move threads like:
Rules (
The NI Etiquette Guide,(
beginners guide (
How to tell how many bots are left (

And let other players share how they started and how they equipped classed with ease
barbutte with coif Smile
aurora blade

yea  sharpthorn

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