06-02-2015, 02:02 AM
Don't get to hung up on what he looks like but a friend shared this and at first I was like that is funny. Then I thought well shoot its true.
Couldn't be more true...
06-02-2015, 02:02 AM
Don't get to hung up on what he looks like but a friend shared this and at first I was like that is funny. Then I thought well shoot its true.
06-02-2015, 03:50 AM
Interesting. You realize the status quo depends on the issue he presents here. Everyone thinks everything is an accident. As if our society and social structures are the way they are just because of incompetence or apathy. Think again. The unsung geniuses of our age are the ones accomplishing, quite successfully, the social engineering of entire cultures, peoples, and nations.
06-02-2015, 09:23 PM
Well, His apperance is not really an issue. People should dress the way they feel and it should never be the subjekt of degrading their beliefs or opinions.
That being said, his opinions and thoughts is really not clever or thought though. A lot of learning in the primary school is pointless to many things. That is the only message where he is right. But they are necessary to others. a point that he maybe is missing? Shakespeare? Challenge your reading and analysing capabilities? Check! I must say, not needing to learn mental math or complex equations. Because you have a smartphone in your pocket? Now that is just ridiculous. Also, maybe understand math instead of just using memorization.
Don't trust a lying sack of shit (Takeo)
07-02-2015, 04:07 AM
"Shakespeare? Challenge your reading and analysing capabilities? Check!" How does something written in a form of English that is no longer even relevant help reading, example cause thou speltist analyzing wrong. As far as literary analysis goes Shakespeare is a prime choice, and being able to determine events, emotions, cause and effects in writing is important.
"I must say, not needing to learn mental math or complex equations. Because you have a smartphone in your pocket? Now that is just ridiculous. Also, maybe understand math instead of just using memorization." Mental math and complex equations are two very different things. Mental math and complex equations, that is an even bigger joke, learn these equations so you can do great things, right? Not really, if you were to go to any large building site you would see laptops, now no its not a cell phone but give it a few years and it will be. Same goes for our space programs, and any other job that requires more complex math, they use computers to remove any human error. And if you read the comments that he posted in response to people he explains that "it's saying topics which aren't practically useful shouldn't stay in school" ![]() ** Bearstronaut I agree it is no accident.
07-02-2015, 10:18 AM
(07-02-2015, 04:07 AM)Dominik link Wrote: "I must say, not needing to learn mental math or complex equations. Because you have a smartphone in your pocket? Now that is just ridiculous. Also, maybe understand math instead of just using memorization." Mental math and complex equations are two very different things. Mental math and complex equations, that is an even bigger joke, learn these equations so you can do great things, right? Not really, if you were to go to any large building site you would see laptops, now no its not a cell phone but give it a few years and it will be. Same goes for our space programs, and any other job that requires more complex math, they use computers to remove any human error.
Don't trust a lying sack of shit (Takeo)
07-02-2015, 04:05 PM
In response to both of you I was referring to his overall message.
I'm an engineer by trade and use complex equations on a daily basis. Mostly algebraic, geometric, and trigonometric functions. But no calculus and other higher mathematics. But like he said I do most of the time have the luxury of a graphing calculator, smart phone, or PC at my disposal. Also Kaas he notes in his comments that we should be introduced to these subjects and then choose if we want to take them further. He wasn't suggesting that if he doesn't like it no one else should.
04-02-2016, 03:36 PM
I know this is way late but whatever lol. I like how he points out we don't know how money works. Here's an interesting Ted Talk on the subject.
[embed=425,349]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NgbqXsA62Qs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/embed]
04-02-2016, 04:05 PM
I guess this is an old thread but I will comment too. Whenever I see these kinds of messages or videos I always think people most likely didn't chose the classes that would give them all the information they supposedly did not get or they were actually unfortunate and did not go to a good school. When in high school I either did learn everything mentioned or had the opportunity too. The only thing my classes lacked were cpr/first aid but those classes were free at the local Y or College.
[Image: 76561198056190414.png]
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04-02-2016, 05:16 PM
I never saw any courses on taxes or human rights but I admit alot of what he says is nonsensical(who needs math we has calculator lol). He does have a point on not learning about economics however. Sure, I took micro and macro economics courses in high school but we really only learned about supply and demand, how to manage a checkbook and how to get to space in Sim City(my end of the year project, lol). What we didn't learn about was cyclical consumption, the business cycle or even some basic statistics on the disparity of wealth on a global scale.
Also our public school system in the USA failed to teach about the Irish slave trade during the 1600s and how it occurred before Africans entered the slave trade at all or how Irish slaves were treated more harshly then their African counterparts because they only cost around 5 shilling compared to the 50 shilling African slave, so they weren't considered as valuable. Instead we learn solely about the African slave trade and we're taught that it took place purely because of racism when that's simply not true. The monetary system led to the slave trade of all races, including the Chinese who worked the railroads of western USA.
04-02-2016, 06:25 PM
INFO WARS is stupid and truthers are idiots
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