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Hero Class
Well i am nearly to choose hero class but i dont know what class to choose and i dont want to loose the 750k that i used when i respec it. Hope you help me
Go Zwei or Rg as thay are better then Leg in the way you dont need good armor to be one of this hero's.

Rg=Master of the Afk (Not fun for me so i dont have one But you need one for every game unless you are kiting)

Zwei=Plz dont Afk to much (Good fun just know what you can beat and what you cant e.g. Dont run out and 1 v 1 Odin Tongue )

Leg= 1 v 1 Bro (Well good when you can get a good 1H and good armor + shield not that good with low cost stuff)

hope that helped 

Well, it just depends on what you like most about playing infantry so far. The most chosen hero class is Royal Guard, as it says, used as shielder mostly (best shielding class in game), but works also as slasher.
The Zweihander deals the most damage in slashing and could work as a shielder as well.
The same accounts for the Legionnaire. He could slash as well. The advantage of this one is of course the increased ability in throwing, but with one question mark: How often is this used?
That's one reason why many people say that a Legionnaire is shit.

But in the end it comes down to your decision. I only have a commando atm, but I'll definitely choose the RG-class later!
TH_Blade - Master Peltast
TH_Blade_III - Chosen Marksman
TH_Blade_IV - Royal Guard
TH_Kenshin - Zweihander
TH_Sirzechs - Sentinel
TH_Anahera - Aventurier
TH_Rikudou_Sennin - Halberdier

A random person: "We should resurrect Hitler with a tome and send him to Syria to defeat the IS"
Royal Guard is primarily a supporting class.  Mostly they shield, though they can slash as well. This does NOT earn you any safety from being kicked for being afk.

Zwiehander is designed to slash, though they can shield if needed to.

Legionnaire is designed to be able to do anything.  They excel at 1 handed fighting,  Slash well, Can shield if needed to, and can throw. 

Also Woody,  The legionnaire only armor is actually the least defense of any of the house crafted commando armors.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q
(19-05-2015, 05:41 PM)Sargent Q link Wrote: This does NOT earn you any safety from being kicked for being afk.

This was a joke so your saying it fun just to sit there and do nothing Tongue
(19-05-2015, 05:41 PM)Sargent Q link Wrote: Also Woody,  The legionnaire only armor is actually the least defense of any of the house crafted commando armors.

Im sorry but who my i ask had the idea for the armor mmmm idk o ye ME Tongue
Like i said when making this armor once you get to the what 70 + 8-14 armor any more and it not needed in a ever day run in normal/hard

Most of the time that is
It depends on how you play, if your an ative fighter you will contribute more as a legionaire or zweihander. Personally I love my Huscarl [not legion, cough] because of his all round ability to fight in nearly every situation where a zweihander usually is mentally bound to using a 2 handed and an eg just kind of sits there and shields. Of course though, action is up to the player but anyhow, since it appears you are concerned for money, go zweihander or RG since they are cheaper to properly equip than a legion, you need more gold for one.

-Legion more Expensive to equip, Zweihander/RG cheaper
-Legion Versatility, Zweihander dmg, RG shield
-How good a class is, it's up to your playstyle [ex. A useless after will not help even if hero]

I may have some grammar/etc mistakes so mention them if you see them.
Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

I hope that might help a bit:
and from that: comes a citation of myself:
"1. RG is the one that separates other team members from sudden death. Cades and shielders hold enemies while slashers and ranged kill them. Shielders are really always needed in the team and even more now after recent map changes. But RGs do not make many kills (on some runs even none sometimes) and kills are not their purpose. So you must consider your personality and playing style. If supporting the team is what you find satisfaction in and you prefer defensive style, RG in surely a good choice. Still ofc, like any infantry hero, RG is a strong melee fighter, though surpassed here by Zwei and Legio. Both RG and Zwei find it difficult to find occupation sometimes if there are many inf in the team.
2. Legionnaire is a very versatile class. He excels in 1H weapons and is designed to play aggresively. If no RG on the team he can successfully shield (if equipped with a reasonable shield). If team has enough shielders he can throw. He can rush forward and engage enemy ranged who camp spamming team with arrows. If things go wrong Legionnaire's ability to adapt and take on different roles is most valuable. Though Legionnaire is not the best shielder in game, nor the best slasher, nor the best ranged, he can be all of those (and reasonably well). Other such versatile class is Pavise. Playing Legio one never finds there is nothing to do... Loads of fun."
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