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NordInvasion Official Event - June 12th
Class: warden
Support Class: engineer
Support Items: Barrel/shc
Equipment:Ullrs bane/ebony arrows/aurora blade
Map/Mode: castleyard/Rag
Volunteer to be Captain?: nah
Character Name: Shark_Rider
Level: 52
Class: Zweihander
Support Class: Siege Engineer
Support Items: SHC/Wall*
Equipment: Bidenhander
Map/Mode: Great Hall/Rag
Role: Slasher
Volunteer to be Captain?: No, thanks
31.01.2015 - Barbutte With Coif
01.04.2015 - Dragon Axe
17.05.2018 - Fearsome Knight Helmet
29.08.2018 - Griffon Bascinet
14.06.2022 - Brigadine Plated Black
01.06.2024 - Shield of Kings
01.11.2024 - Ornate Bascinet
Character Name: BoS_Slavko
Level: 52
Class: warden
Support Class: Engineer
Support Items: nothing  :Smile
Equipment: Ebony Bow, Ebony Arrows,Aurora Blade
Map/Mode: Castleyard / Ragnarok
Role: Archer
Volunteer to be Captain?:no, thanks

09.05.2015-Studdet Gauntlets
13.12.2015-Fell Edge
Character Name: SPQR_Krex
Level: 52
Class: Zweihander
Support Class: Engineer
Support Items: SHC
Equipment: Not all too good, I fear: Swadian Heavy Lamellar, Visored Sallet, Plate Mittens and a Talhoffer(and a SKS as a backup)
Map/Mode: any/Ragnarok
Role: Slasher
Volunteer to be Captain?: (Optional) Nope
2015-08-26 Fang of Fenrir
2024-12-21 Legendary Dust Essence (first ever!!!1)
2025-01-05 Heavy Scaled Greaves
2025-01-07 Scorn
2025-01-09 Legacy
2025-01-14 Severance

[Image: NqiKO60.png]
Level: 52
Class: Pavise
Support Class: Siege Engineer
Support Items: SHC ( maybe wall and barrel )
Equipment: aegis, black armor, open salet helmet, swadian gauntlets, arbalest, bronze bolts, hero mercy
Map/Mode: Kings Castelyard/RAG
Role: shielder/shooter
Volunteer to be Captain?: nah
Loots: 14
Character Name: WS_Tarrod
Level: 52
Class: Warden
Support Class: Siege Engineer
Support Items: Barrel/Wall Cade/ SHC
Equipment: Stag Bow/Elmwood Arrows/Fell Edge
Map/Mode: Castleyard / Ragnarok
Role: Pew Pew Dead Pew
Volunteer to be Captain?: Sure

Note: I am not sure if I will find the time to attend in time but I will try my best
[Image: Tarbs.jpg]
"I wish the germans would have melt the Eiffel Tower and make tanks to kill the french" - not telling
"I ain´t gonna drop my stuff for these guys" - Wambo
"What do you call the german Secret Service? -  SS" - not telling
Character Name: [FoY]Frank_RG
Level: 52
Class: RG
Support Class: Siege Engineer
Support Items: SHC
Equipment: Aegis, Trans, Defender
Map/Mode: Castleyard / Ragnarok
Role: Shilder

Character Name:[FoY]Floyd
Support Class:Master Suergon
Support Items:Tome,Field Medic Box
Volunteer to be Captain?:no thanks
Name: [FoY]Chris_Pikeman
Level: 46
Class: Pikeman
Support Class: Siege Engineer
Support Itmes: Small Ammo Crate, Normal Barricade
Equipment: Rus Helm, Pikemans Plated Vest, CTS
Map/Mode: Kings Castleyard / Ragnarok
Role: Skirmisher
Volunteer to be Captain: no
Character Name:  WS_Elomo WS_Elmhoe
Level: 52 52
Class: legionnaire, RG
Support Items: Field meds / wallcade
Equipment: Ragnars, dwarf axe / dwarf axe, aegis
Map/Mode: meh
Role: Slasher/shielder/cade breaker
Volunteer to be Captain?: if no one else fancies it Smile
Don't suicide yourself. Bradapple 07/01/2015

And last thing im gonna say is dont make my point to another way. - Gandhi

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