23-06-2015, 07:46 PM

I have nothing to say so i may as well post pics of a project i've been working on for around 3 hours.
I started this today, so you wont be seeing anything special!

Suggestions and feedback are appreciated , even if it is insults about my mapping

Updated Overview:
Wallace Mormont: wtf
Wallace Mormont: you cant use same
Wallace Mormont: weapon
[Image: Untitled_zpspihatt24.jpg]
[Image: Pilums%20look%20so%20good_zps7eejolna.png]
Wallace Mormont: you cant use same
Wallace Mormont: weapon
[Image: Untitled_zpspihatt24.jpg]
[Image: Pilums%20look%20so%20good_zps7eejolna.png]