19-10-2015, 04:54 PM
People are asking what troops they could add on easy which would be weaker than a nord peasant:
How about enemies like:
Not-So-Angry Nord_Wife (Armed with either a frying pan or a [clothes] iron(Just a weaker version of Angry Nord_Wife)
Nord Dunce (armed with a sword held by the blade so they hit people with the hilt(If possible do damage to themselves when they swing)
Nord Chef (armed with a cleaver/or the sausage model used like a chakram)
Nord Drunk (armed with a bottle+very slow swing and movement speed+Throwing bottles like on NW)
Morris Dancer (armed with sticks with a handkerchief on the end)
Yodeller (armed with nothing(But have a yodelling sound instead of a war cry so they're even more annoying than Queensguards)
Caffeine Addicted Nord (Equipped with throwing mugs and a big spoon(Odin level run speed, less attack to balance)
Nord Elder (Using the robes you use to sneak into towns with on native and a shortened wooden pole+Low movement speed(Not sure if it's possible to dictate the age of all of a specific troop type)
Nord Fyrdsman (Peasants+Farmers but with weak shields + axes/hatchets)
On the later waves you could have some of the enemies on the mid waves of normal, eg.
Nord Javelineer (Or equivalent) for 14
Nord Skirmisher(Or equivalent) for 16
Nord ________(Can't remember the name, javelin people who wear leather who come on wave 10) for 18
Then for wave 20 you could have
Nord Ealdorman (Sword+Shield) as the boss with Nord Veteran Fyrdsman (Slightly better shields+weapons than regular fyrdsman+ leather armour)
Maybe make some new, really bad boss drops which are just renamed tier 3 weapons that everyone can use. Eg. Mediocre Nordic Sword. Disappointingly average Bastard Sword. Half-Decent Hunting-Bow.
As well as some other random ones:
Crossbow of Supreme inaccuracy(accuracy of a repeater in a single shot with ~t3 damage)
Pike of the Pokesman (A pike, used for poking(Possibly with a model of a hand on the end instead of a spearhead)
Sacred Shield (A shield, with lots of holes in(Maybe name it holy shield in case the joke goes over peoples heads)
How about enemies like:
Not-So-Angry Nord_Wife (Armed with either a frying pan or a [clothes] iron(Just a weaker version of Angry Nord_Wife)
Nord Dunce (armed with a sword held by the blade so they hit people with the hilt(If possible do damage to themselves when they swing)
Nord Chef (armed with a cleaver/or the sausage model used like a chakram)
Nord Drunk (armed with a bottle+very slow swing and movement speed+Throwing bottles like on NW)
Morris Dancer (armed with sticks with a handkerchief on the end)
Yodeller (armed with nothing(But have a yodelling sound instead of a war cry so they're even more annoying than Queensguards)
Caffeine Addicted Nord (Equipped with throwing mugs and a big spoon(Odin level run speed, less attack to balance)
Nord Elder (Using the robes you use to sneak into towns with on native and a shortened wooden pole+Low movement speed(Not sure if it's possible to dictate the age of all of a specific troop type)
Nord Fyrdsman (Peasants+Farmers but with weak shields + axes/hatchets)
On the later waves you could have some of the enemies on the mid waves of normal, eg.
Nord Javelineer (Or equivalent) for 14
Nord Skirmisher(Or equivalent) for 16
Nord ________(Can't remember the name, javelin people who wear leather who come on wave 10) for 18
Then for wave 20 you could have
Nord Ealdorman (Sword+Shield) as the boss with Nord Veteran Fyrdsman (Slightly better shields+weapons than regular fyrdsman+ leather armour)
Maybe make some new, really bad boss drops which are just renamed tier 3 weapons that everyone can use. Eg. Mediocre Nordic Sword. Disappointingly average Bastard Sword. Half-Decent Hunting-Bow.
As well as some other random ones:
Crossbow of Supreme inaccuracy(accuracy of a repeater in a single shot with ~t3 damage)
Pike of the Pokesman (A pike, used for poking(Possibly with a model of a hand on the end instead of a spearhead)
Sacred Shield (A shield, with lots of holes in(Maybe name it holy shield in case the joke goes over peoples heads)
Loots: Dragon Helmet-23/09/2015