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WTT: My BLUE Transitional, for your ORANGE Transitional PLUS 400k.
Despite the skyrocketing prices of Fafnirs and especially Hardened Metals lately, I've managed to craft a set of the original Transitional Armor at great cost. Unfortunately this means that I'm forced to recoup some of this huge expense back, and now my loss can be your gain.

Do you hate the look of that Orange Transitional you picked up for a measly 800k-1.2M -- or less (maybe much less)? Would you like to upgrade to the awesome Blue version that all the old-school players are wearing? Here's your rare opportunity to ditch that orange monstrosity for good: I'm currently offering my BLUE Transitional for trade. In exchange, I'm asking for your ORANGE Transitional plus 400k gold. I'm willing to entertain other trades, although it's likely that I'd prefer to be paid in cash since there aren't very many ingredients I'm looking for at the moment. Please feel free to respond to this thread, PM me, or find me on either the VLKA TeamSpeak channel on the official TS server or on the official IRC channel if you'd like to discuss terms. Thanks!
Main Characters: Lanseril (L.52 Sniper), Grundus (L.52 Pikeman), Eledwyn (L.49 Commando), Rutgard (L.52 Sharpshooter)

Does your house dare to face the Prince? Take Vlka Fenryka's Dominate the Prince! challenge.
Edited original post for clarity. I'm looking to make some of my original money back by downgrading to the "ugly" Transitional.  8)
Main Characters: Lanseril (L.52 Sniper), Grundus (L.52 Pikeman), Eledwyn (L.49 Commando), Rutgard (L.52 Sharpshooter)

Does your house dare to face the Prince? Take Vlka Fenryka's Dominate the Prince! challenge.
me too, I prefer the Orange  Wink
Asking price reduced to 500k.
Main Characters: Lanseril (L.52 Sniper), Grundus (L.52 Pikeman), Eledwyn (L.49 Commando), Rutgard (L.52 Sharpshooter)

Does your house dare to face the Prince? Take Vlka Fenryka's Dominate the Prince! challenge.
Asking price reduced to 400k.
Main Characters: Lanseril (L.52 Sniper), Grundus (L.52 Pikeman), Eledwyn (L.49 Commando), Rutgard (L.52 Sharpshooter)

Does your house dare to face the Prince? Take Vlka Fenryka's Dominate the Prince! challenge.

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