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NI Team Update
Hello all,

We would like to let everyone know of some changes that are happening within NordInvasion.

New Forum: Why?

As you are aware, the forum software was swapped out recently for MyBB and obviously some people are happy whilst others are less so. I felt it would be useful to explain why we felt this change was neccessary.

SMF has served us well in the past and many people enjoyed the site. Unfortunately, behind the scenes it was a bit of a nightmare. SMF directly patches the core files and replaces the code. Conflicts from mods replacing mods are common place and the forum had reached a stage where it was actually impossible to pick up a new install of SMF and make it the same as ours due to the way mods have been installed, uninstalled and deprecated over the years. Additionally, expanding the forum was problematic for the same reasons and this was not a scenario that the team were happy to have continue.

And so, it was replaced. MyBB was chosen as the most suitable replacement from just about every option out there (check the Wikipedia article on forum software if you wish a list) and whilst some had some things that were better, MyBB was the best option for us over all the areas when taken together. Additionally, the team feels comfortable with the coding styles and willing to expand on its capabilities to suit our needs better over time.

We do accept that some things were missed such as player shops with nested tables and we are very sorry for the issues that has caused players but we ask that you bear with us as we work to find a solution that works for everyone and encourage you to use the feature request board to highlight anything you would like to see. There have been a few requests and I can confirm that these are being looked into but will need testing before they join the live site (incidentally, something very difficult to do on the old forum). Hopefully given a bit of time, everyone's issues can be resolved and both you the players and the team managing these services can both be happy with the solution.

New Team: Development and Operations (Dev & Ops).

The team expands on the current Senior Development role to become the team responsible for managing all aspects of NordInvasion, from player discipline to deciding the future of NordInvasion. This will see the heads of the various NI areas come together to manage NI and provide the best possible game for you all. They will have the final say on all development choices and will be responsible for all bans and unbans as well as any new team members. In the real world, nothing much will change for players but the way NI works should become a little clearer and remove ambiguity from the development channel taking decisions within the admin channel.
The team will comprise of Hypernoma, Hande, Naozumi, Kip And The_Irish_Eagle.

Promotion: Head of Admins

We would like to congratulate The_Irish_Eagle on his new role as Head of Admins. In this role, Irish will be responsible for the day to day managing of the admin team and player discipline. It had become clear to us, and likely many of you, that the admin team has been running very successfully under Irish's watchful eye. Irish will now be responsible for all three regions (EU, NA and AU) effectively replacing the old Senior Admin roles which have been mostly unfilled for some time.

New Developer

Xen will be joining the developer team now with a specific focus on developing the forum. I know that a lot of people have expressed concern about certain features that people are missing and can assure you that Xen, along with the existing team, are looking to bring back features and add new ones as soon as reasonably possible.

And from the NI Team, thanks for being a great community and stay turned for more announcements and features coming soon!

/Nao & The NI Team
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024

Slowly being bled dry by NI... Please help me and donate!
Big Grin Is that smile big enough for you Naozumi?
[Image: Untitled-1.gif]
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024
"time is money jaja and loot" - Blame
Congratz Xen and Irish with your promotion!

Will Xen lose his "Major Contributor"strip now?^^

I think everyone sees your engagement in the community, as admin, event organisator and now the huge project with the new forum. Deserved and welcome to te team Smile
[LK]Kanade_Tachibana - Warden || [LK]Engel - Marauder || [LK]Engelchen - Royal Guard || [LK]Kanade-chan - Chosen Marksman || [LK]Tenshi - Pavise Champion || [LK]Kanade-Senpai - Legionnaire || [LK]Kanade-Sensei - Sentinel || [LK]Kanade - lvl 27

Wormbane - 2014
Seeing Irish and Xen in red well deserved  Tongue
Good luck with MyBB in the near future.
Always a pleasure to see the NI team involvment.
NI maps (The forgotten bay Nordic Fortress / Frosthaven / Medieval fields / River's conflict / Swadian Mines )
Congrats on the promotion guys!
''If Turtle can loot, anybody can.''

Sexual Healer of NI

"He took the pike out of my hands before my body even touched the ground." - Nana
"you can sexually heal me any day" - Xen and Bradapple

25/03/2018 - Shield of Kings
11/10/2018 - Imperial Halfplate - Red
Congratz Xen and Irish well deserved
Legendary loots:
Sun Pike 02/01/2015
Ancient Great Sword 27/08/2015
Mjolnir 03/03/2018
Dead Shot 30/05/2018
Defender Boots 14/02/2021
Dragon Axe 04/02/2025
Thanos Legacy 10/02/2025
Pike of Kings 15/02/2025
Pride 17/02/2025

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