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[Closed] Leader Change (Set new Leader)
Scourge of Norsca need to swap char. 

Current Leader: SA_Sigrun ID: 2479011
Leader NEeded: Reap3R_Bank ID: 2479086
"...and when I get to Heaven, to Saint Peter I will tell, "Just another soldier reporting, Sir, I've served my time in Hell."

"Stay low, Go fast, Kill first, Die last, One shot, One kill, No luck, All Skill"
CC_Warden_Kip | CC_Sentinel_Kip | CC_Guard_Kip | CC_Zweihander_Kip | CC_Marksman_Kip | CC_Pavise_Kip | CC_Peltast_Kip | CC_Marauder_Kip | others...

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